What is a Temporary Commercial Kitchen license?

Temporary Commercial Kitchens (TECK) are mobile kitchen facilities that are typically used when fixed kitchens are unavailable, e.g., have been damaged by a fire, or when a fixed kitchen is being refurbished, when extra kitchen space is needed, and for catering at events. They may also be used after a natural disaster, such as a hurricane and are contained in a variety of modular structures, such as portable cabin structures, modular buildings, towed trailers, or standard freight containers. Temporary Commercial Kitchens cannot be tents.

Definition: Temporary Commercial Kitchen (TECK)  is any kitchen that is a public food service establishment, used for the preparation of takeout or delivery only meals housed in portable structures that are movable from place to place by a tow or are self-propelled or otherwise axle mounted, that include self-contained utilities, including, but not limited to, gas, water, electricity, or liquid waste disposal. The term does not include a tent 509.102 (1)(b) FS.

Commissary: Many TECKs will require a support site called a commissary. A commissary is an approved food service establishment or other commercial location where the TECK goes for services that are not done in the TECK facility. A commissary may provide a potable water source or a wastewater disposal site. You may prepare, package or store food at the commissary or use a three-compartment sink to wash and sanitize equipment or utensils. Food containers or other supplies may be stored at the commissary. The requirements are that TECKs will utilize the services of a commissary every day of operation or more if needed. Food service activities, including procurement or water or disposal of wastewater, cannot occur in a private residence.

Commissary Definition: A Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) permitted or Division of Hotel & Restaurants licensed food service.

Any FDACS permitted or H&R licensed fixed food service establishment can provide commissary services for the TECK. Commissary details are required for the application.

  • Exception – If the Commissary is on a septic system the county Department of Health would have to approve the system for increased use. This also applies to any other water/sewer locations used by a food service establishment. For this reason we recommend using a location that is on municipal water/sewer.
  • Exception – If the commissary location is permitted by the Department of Health, such as a school or fraternal organization or bar, then the Department of Health would be the permitting agency for the food service establishment.

How TECKs Operate:  Temporary Commercial Kitchens are limited in the time they may operate at each location and the duration depends on the manner in which they operate. The operators of a temporary commercial kitchen must notify the division within 48 hours after commencing operation in a location.

If operating on it’s own (commissary required):

30 Days – Operating in one location for up to 30 consecutive days when the temporary commercial kitchen will not be operating in conjunction with or on the premises of a licensed permanent food service establishment.

If operating in conjunction with a licensed permanent public food service establishment:

60 Days – Operating on the premises of a licensed permanent food service establishment for up to 60 consecutive days.

90 Days – Operating on the premises of or as near as reasonably practicable to the location of a licensed permanent food service establishment rendered uninhabitable due to a natural disaster that is the subject of a declared state of emergency for up to 90 consecutive days during the repair or rebuilding of that licensed permanent service establishment. The operators of a temporary commercial kitchen operating in this capacity must notify the division of the kitchen’s location and renew the notification every 90 days for the duration of its operation.

120 Days – Operating on the premises of a licensed permanent food service establishment or off the premises within line of sight of and not to exceed 1,320 feet from the licensed permanent food service establishment for up to 120 consecutive days during the period of renovating, repairing, or rebuilding that permanent food service establishment.

Notification of Temporary Commercial Kitchen Operations – Submit the linked form no later than 48 hours after commencing operation in a location.

Except as noted above, a temporary commercial kitchen may not operate in one location for longer than 30 consecutive days. The operators of a temporary commercial kitchen must notify the division within 48 hours after commencing operation in a location.

Steps to acquiring a TECK License

There are generally three steps to acquiring a food service license with the division:

  1. Create a DBPR online account
  2. Apply for a license with plan review via email – HR-7031 Applications for Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicle Combo / Packet with Instructions
  3. Pay the licensing fee
  4. Schedule and pass the licensing Inspection

Important: Please submit your completed TECK application to: DHR.PlanReview@myfloridalicense.com for processing. Only apply when all required documentation is ready and you are prepared to pay the fees.

Application Tips


Fees are determined by application date and county. For a detailed breakdown of fees, see the food service fee page.

Plan Review

Plan review requires

  • a plan of the kitchen structure(s) with equipment labeled
  • a sample menu
  • a photograph of the portable structure(s) demonstrating mobility
  • commissary location. Fill out and submit the commissary form HR 7022.

For more details about plan review visit the plan review page.


Opening Inspection

All new licensees are required to pass a sanitation and safety inspection prior to opening. After meeting all requirements of the plan review and submitting your license application and fees, check your approved plan review packet for inspector contact information, or contact the department at 850.487.1395 to schedule an opening inspection. For more information about inspections, view the Inspections page.

Ongoing Requirements

Notification of Temporary Commercial Kitchen Operations – Submit the linked form no later than 48 hours after commencing operation in a location.

Once licensed, operators must meet and maintain all applicable standards of a public food service establishment as provided in rule, code, and statute. Conduct all food storage and food preparation operations in an approved, licensed food service establishment. You may not conduct food operations in a private residence.

Division personnel inspect as often as necessary for enforcement of the provisions of law and rule, and for the protection of the public’s health, safety, and welfare. Temporary Commercial Kitchen operators must permit division personnel right of entry at any reasonable time to observe food preparation and service. If necessary, division personnel may examine records of the unit to obtain pertinent information regarding food and supplies purchased, received, or used.

Need Help?

All requests for public records, complaints, forms, and applications for licenses can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.

Steven von Bodungen, Director

Division of Hotels and Restaurants
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1011

Telephone: 850.487.1395
Email: dhr.info@myfloridalicense.com