Department Overview

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation is the agency charged with licensing and regulating businesses and professionals in the State of Florida, such as cosmetologists, veterinarians, real estate agents and pari-mutuel wagering facilities. Our mission is to license efficiently and regulate fairly, and we strive to meet this goal in our day-to-day operations. The Department is under the executive branch of the Governor and is governed by Chapter 120, F.S. The Department is structured according to the requirements of Section 20.165, F.S.

Office of the Secretary

The head of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation is the Secretary, who is appointed by the Governor and is subject to confirmation by the Senate. There is no set term limit, the Secretary serves at the pleasure of the Governor. The Secretary is responsible for planning, directing, coordinating and executing the powers, duties and functions vested in the Department, its divisions, bureaus and other sub-units.

Need Help?

All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.

Telephone: 850.487.1395
Facsimile: 850.488.5761

Address: Department of Business and Professional Regulation
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202