To apply for a business or profession license.

Verify a business or profession license.

Search and find applicants, licensed individuals and businesses within the Food and Lodging industry that are regulated by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation

Request public records.

File a complaint against a licensee or an individual you suspect of performing Unlicensed Activity

View and find details on the progress of a license application.

This search capability assists you in finding DBPR approved courses that satisfy your profession’s Continuing Education requirements.

Providers submit documentation to comply with continuing education requirements. See reporting error definitions here.

Find examination results.

Register and submit monthly controlled substance distribution information.

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My Account

Don’t have an account? Create one.

To apply for a business or profession license.

Verify a business or profession license.

Search and find applicants, licensed individuals and businesses within the Food and Lodging industry that are regulated by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation

Request public records.

Register and submit monthly controlled substance distribution information.

View and find details on the progress of a license application.

This search capability assists you in finding DBPR approved courses that satisfy your profession’s Continuing Education requirements.

Providers submit documentation to comply with continuing education requirements. See reporting error definitions here.

File a complaint against a licensee or an individual you suspect of performing Unlicensed Activity


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