Welcome to the Division of Hotels & Restaurants Frequently Asked Questions Center
Please click on the desired category below for more information:
- What authority does the Division operate under?
- Does the division regulate vacation rental hosting platforms such as Airbnb or VRBO?
- What type of complaint issues does the Division of Hotels and Restaurants have authority over in nontransient apartments?
- What type of complaint issues does the division have authority over in transient public lodging establishments?
- What type of complaint issues does the division have authority over in public food service establishments?
- How do I report a complaint?
- How do I report that the elevator has problems or has broken down?
- Whom do I contact about complaints or other issues concerning elevators in Florida?
- Will my food service, lodging, or elevator complaint be confidential?
- Do I have to provide my name, address, phone number, or email address when I file a complaint against a food service, lodging, or elevator?
- Can I run a catering business out of my home?
- Can I operate my catering business out of a church kitchen?
- Do I need a catering license if I run my business from a restaurant my friend owns?
- Will I need to go through a plan review if I use the facilities of an establishment licensed by the Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services?
- Can I use my catering vehicle to drive around and sell food to the public?
- Do I need a catering license to cook for people in their home?
- Do I need a catering license if I already hold a current food service establishment license?
- How do I change the location of my catering business?
- What information does the Division of Hotels and Restaurants provide as a download file on the Instant Public Records website?
The Instant Public Records website includes current and historical data for the Bureau of Elevator Safety, public food service establishments, and public lodging establishments. Download files providing current data are updated weekly, unless otherwise noted.
Elevators download files include:
- Active elevators and other vertical conveyances, registered elevator companies, certificates of competency, and certified elevator inspectors; and
- Elevator permits issued by the Bureau of Elevator Safety.
Lodging download files include:
- Inspection results;
- Active lodging establishments by licensing district; and
- New and change owner lodging licenses issued.
Restaurants/Food Service download files include:
- Inspection results;
- District lists of active food service establishments in Florida;
- New and change owner food service licenses issued;
- Administrative complaints and fines, updated monthly;
- Plan reviews processed by the division within the past 18 months; and
- Food service workers trained in Florida.
- How do I get help downloading the files available as instant public records?
The department does not offer technical support during or after the download process. If you require assistance, please refer to your computer manuals, or contact your Corporate Help Desk or Internet Service Provider. If you believe there is a defective file or broken link please email the division at hrpublicrecords@myfloridalicense.com.
- Where can I find information explaining the Division of Hotels and Restaurants download file layout, including column headings and code descriptions?
The Hotels and Restaurants Public Records Layout Information webpage explains the column headings and the codes used by our system. Additional information is available on our Inspections webpage.
- What does the column for PDA Status in the food service and lodging inspection download files mean?
Division of Hotels and Restaurants inspectors use mobile devices for collecting inspection data and producing inspection reports for the licensees. These devices promote consistency, legibility, accuracy and thoroughness in our inspection process.
- What do the columns for violations on the food service and lodging inspection download files mean?
These columns coincide numerically with the violations described on the Hotels and Restaurants Public Records Layout Information webpage. Complete listings of our food and lodging violations are available on our Inspections website. We also provide examples of our food and lodging inspection reports for your information.
- Why are there more violation columns than actual violations on the food service and lodging inspection download files?
The extra columns correspond to obsolete references that are no longer used. These columns will always show a zero value.
- What do the numbers in the violations columns on the food service and lodging inspection download files mean?
Most violations have multiple code citations and observations referenced within the single numeric violation code or category. For example, a vermin violation has observations for “Roaches noted”, “Flies in kitchen”, “Dead roaches”, etc. Each of these constitute a separate violation under the violation category. The number in the violation column indicates the total number of violations cited for that violation category. For instance, if an inspector cited violations for “Roaches noted” and “Flies in kitchen,” a “2” would be listed in the violation column for a vermin violation. A zero means no violations were cited for that violation category. Complete listings of our food and lodging violations are available on our Inspections website.
- Where can I find more information about what the Division of Hotels and Restaurants inspector found?
The best public resource we have for inspection information is our Inspection Search Portal. This site includes all of the individual citations and observations for each inspection completed with a mobile device (as well as abbreviated information for manually entered inspections). If you see an inspection in the extracts that interests you, note the license number to find the records faster. You can also perform a search by license name.
- Whom should I contact if I have questions about the Instant Public Records download files.
Please call our Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395 or use our contact form.
- How can I obtain records from the Division of Hotels and Restaurants that are not available for download from the Instant Public Records website?
Please email the division at hrpublicrecords@myfloridalicense.com. You may also request public records by telephone, fax or standard mail. More information on submitting public records requests is available on our website.
- Who can appeal a Final Order issued by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
- How do I appeal a Final Order issued by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
- Which court is the appropriate court for filing an appeal to a Final Order issued by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
- When can I appeal a Final Order issued by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
- How much does it cost to file an appeal for a Final Order issued by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
Dogs in Restaurants
- How does the Dixie Cup Clary Local Control Act affect service animals in restaurants?
- What is a service animal?
- Can I take my service dog into a restaurant?
- Can I take my pet dog to a restaurant?
- Can local governments charge a fee to issue permits for allowing dogs in restaurants?
- Can establishments charge an access fee to pet dog owners?
- May I bring my cat or other pets to the designated outdoor dining area?
- What are the minimum health or food safety conditions that must be met to allow pet dogs?
- How do I apply for a permit to allow pet dogs at my restaurant?
- Can I transfer a dogs in restaurant permit that was issued to the previous owner of the public food service I recently purchased?
- Who enforces the new local ordinances?
- Does the law require local governments to notify the Division of Hotels and Restaurants if a local dogs in restaurants ordinance is adopted?
- What assistance does the Division of Hotels and Restaurants provide to local governments implementing an ordinance relating to dogs in restaurants?
- What enforcement procedures must local governments implement regarding dogs in restaurants?
Fire Safety
- What is the Division of Hotels and Restaurants’ role in addressing fire safety issues in public food service and lodging establishments?
- Are the Division of Hotels and Restaurants’ fire safety reports available to the public?
- Whom should I contact regarding complaints or questions about fire related issues?
- Who is the authority on what fire protection equipment I need in my food service or lodging establishment?
- Why are automatic sprinkler systems recommended in food service and lodging facilities?
- Who is responsible for maintaining the fire protection equipment located at a public food service or lodging establishment licensed by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
Food Safety
- Are food service employees required to wear gloves all the time when handling food?
- Do all food service employees have to wear a hair net?
- Is hair spray considered an adequate hair restraint?
- How long can food be out of temperature before it needs to be discarded?
- Can I operate out of my home on a trial basis to see if I can make any money in the restaurant business before I rent a location?
- Can I cook outdoors at my food service establishment on a grill if it has a lid?
- Why was my food service or lodging establishment fined?
- How do I pay my food service or lodging establishment fine?
- I can’t afford to pay my whole food service or lodging establishment fine. Do you allow payment plans?
- I have been contacted by the Municipal Services Bureau or United Collections Bureau. Who are they?
- Why was my food service or lodging establishment case referred to a collection agency?
- Why was a collection fee added to my food service or lodging establishment fine?
- How do I pay my food service or lodging establishment fine after it has been referred to Municipal Services Bureau or United Collections Bureau?
- After my fine has been referred to Municipal Services Bureau or United Collections Bureau, who should I contact to discuss my case?
- Can I renew my food service or lodging establishment license if I owe a fine, the fine is overdue, or I have missed paying on my payment plan?
- Can I set up a payment plan after my food service or lodging establishment license renewal was denied?
- How do I renew my food service or lodging establishment license after my fine has been referred to Municipal Services Bureau or United Collections Bureau?
General Licensing Information
- I own and operate a public food service establishment located in a hospital. Do I need a license from the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
- I just bought a restaurant or lodging that has a current license from DBPR. Can I operate under the previous owner’s license?
- Does the Division of Hotels and Restaurants license and inspect corn roasters?
- How do I increase or decrease the number of seats/units on my restaurant license?
- How do I increase or decrease the number of units on my lodging license?
- Can I get a report that lists the licensed restaurants or lodging in an area?
- How can I correct the business or mailing information on my restaurant or lodging license?
- How can I change the location address for my restaurant, lodging license or commissary?
Applications and Renewals
- How do I apply for a restaurant or lodging license?
- How much does a restaurant or lodging license cost?
- How long does it take to get my restaurant or lodging license once I apply and pay?
- Are there any other requirements for a restaurant or lodging license besides the application and payment?
- Are there exceptions to the opening inspection requirement for a restaurant or lodging license?
- When do I renew my restaurant or lodging license?
- How can I get a duplicate restaurant or lodging license?
HUD-Inspected Apartments
- What is the exclusion for HUD-inspected apartment buildings?
- How do I apply for the exclusion for my HUD-inspected apartment buildings that are designated as elderly housing?
- What happens if my apartment complex no longer qualifies for a full exclusion as HUD-inspected elderly housing?
- What happens if my apartment buildings no longer qualify for a partial exclusion as HUD-inspected elderly housing?
General Information
- I want to build and open a new restaurant. Where do I start?
- Is there a fee for the restaurant plan review?
- Where do I submit my restaurant plans?
- When am I required to submit restaurant plans for review?
- What changes do not require a plan review?
- Do I need a plan review for a catering license?
- Do I need to contact other agencies before I open my restaurant business?
Applications, Approvals and Denials
- Where can I get an application for restaurant plan review?
- How many phone numbers, e-mail addresses or fax numbers can I submit with the restaurant plan review application?
- Do I need to include an e-mail address on the restaurant plan review application?
- Will DBPR sell or share my e-mail address if I provide it with my food service plan review application materials?
- How do I correctly fill out the finish information on the restaurant plan review application?
- What information or documents do I have to submit with my food service plan review application?
- Can I submit more than two sets of my restaurant plans with my plan review application?
- How long will it take for the restaurant plans to be reviewed?
- What are some common mistakes that slow down restaurant plan review and approval?
- What could cause the restaurant plans to be denied?
- If I make a mistake or submit restaurant plans that are incomplete or do not meet minimum requirements, will I have a chance to provide the needed information or revise the plans before they are denied?
- What happens after my restaurant plan is approved?
- Does a restaurant plan approval ever expire?
- Will I receive my license as soon as my restaurant plan is approved?
- I already applied for a public food service license and my plan is approved. When will I get my license?
Drawing a Plan
- Do I need to have an architect draw my restaurant plans?
- What is the best way to draw a restaurant plan?
- What equipment do I need to show on the restaurant plan for a fixed public food service establishment?
- What equipment do I need to show on the restaurant plan for a hot dog cart or mobile food dispensing vehicle (MFDV)?
- Why is a side view required with the plan for a mobile food dispensing vehicle (MFDV) and hot dog cart?
- Do I need to include details for my closed smoker cooker on the restaurant plan, and if so, what details do I need to show on the plan?
Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicles, Hot Dog Carts and Commissaries
Mobile Food Dispensing Vehicles
- What is a mobile food dispensing vehicle (MFDV)?
- I only operate my mobile food dispensing vehicle at temporary events. Do I need to complete a plan review?
- Can I use a grill or smoker with my mobile food dispensing vehicle?
- What is a self-sufficient mobile food dispensing vehicle?
Hot Dog Carts
- What is hot dog cart?
- Can I have foods other than hot dogs for sale on my hot dog cart?
- Can I use a smoker with my hot dog cart?
- Why do I need to go to a commissary every day with my hot dog cart?
- What is a commissary?
- Why do I need a commissary for my mobile food dispensing vehicle?
- Can I use my house or another residential property as a commissary?
- What services must my commissary provide?
- Can I use more than one commissary?
- Where can I find a list of commissaries?
- Can I use a facility permitted by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services as my commissary?
- Can I use a facility permitted by the Department of Health as my commissary?
Technical Requirements
Cove Base
- On my restaurant plan review application, what is a cove base?
- What kind of material can I use for the cove base in my restaurant?
- Is there a minimum height for cove base in a restaurant?
- What areas of my restaurant must have cove base?
Floors, Walls and Ceilings
- Can my restaurant have exposed beams, pipes, utility lines or electrical conduits?
- What are some acceptable construction materials or finishes for floors in my restaurant?
- Can I install carpet in my restaurant?
- What are some acceptable construction materials or finishes for walls in my restaurant?
- What are some acceptable construction materials or finishes for ceilings in my restaurant?
- Can I install a drop ceiling in my restaurant?
- Can I install acoustic ceiling tiles in my restaurant?
Bathrooms, Sinks and Plumbing
- I have a take-out only (non-seating, catering, etc.) fixed food service. Does my establishment need a bathroom?
- May the guests in my restaurant travel through the kitchen or food preparation area to access the bathroom?
- Do I need to provide a bathroom for my mobile food dispensing vehicle (MFDV)?
- What types of sinks are required for my fixed food service establishment?
- Where are hand-washing sinks required in my fixed food service establishment?
- What types of sinks are required for my mobile food dispensing vehicle (MFDV)?
- What types of sinks are required for my hot dog cart?
- What type of food service establishments need a 3-compartment sink?
- What are the requirements for a 3-compartment sink in a food service establishment?
- Can I use a 2-compartment sink for dish washing at my food service establishment?
- Can I use my 3-compartment sink for food preparation at my food service establishment?
- Can I use my 3-compartment sink as a hand-washing sink at my food service establishment?
- Why must I have a hand-washing sink within the immediate area of my 3-compartment sink at my food service establishment?
- Can I use my 3-compartment sink as a mop sink in my food service establishment?
- Can I use my mop sink for food preparation at my food service establishment?
- Can I use my mop sink as a hand-washing sink in my food service establishment?
- Does my food service establishment need a grease trap?
Water and Sewage Service
- Is a water bill for the food service or commissary address (license location address) acceptable proof of an approved water and sewage connection at my food service establishment?
- The address on my water bill does not match the license location address for my food service establishment. What can I submit as proof of approved water service?
- My food service establishment or commissary is on a master meter for water and/or sewage service and I do not receive a bill. What can I submit to provide proof of approved water and/or sewage service?
- Can I submit a letter from my water and/or sewage service provider as acceptable proof of approved water or sewage service at my food service establishment?
- I have well water at my food service establishment. What can I submit as proof of approved water service?
- I have a septic system at my food service establishment. What can I submit as proof of approved sewage service?
Smokers and Grills
- Can I cook on a grill or with a fryer in an existing smoker room or smoker trailer?
- Can I cook outdoors on a grill if it has a lid?
Fire Safety
- What is a Certified Food Manager?
- Who must be a Certified Food Manager?
- How do I get a Certified Food Manager Certificate?
- Who provides Certified Food Manager examinations?
- Where can I get information about Certified Food Manager examinations?
- How long is the food manager certification valid?
- If I change jobs, does my Certified Food Safety Manager Certificate transfer to my new work location?
- Is my food manager certification from another state valid in Florida ?
Food Service Employee Training
- Is food service employee training different than food manager certification?
- Who has to complete food service employee training and is there a specific training program required?
- What does a food service employee training program teach?
- Can employees complete food service employee training on the Internet or through other types of distance learning?
- How long do employees have to complete food service employee training?
- Does food service employee training ever expire?
- Is proof of food service employee training required?
- Do employees have to complete any other training, in addition to the food service employee training?
- Are employees required to use specific training materials or programs for duty-specific training?
Food Service Employee Training Reporting
- What is the reporting requirement for food service employee training and are there any exemptions from this reporting requirement?
- When and how must food service employee training be reported?
- What are some common mistakes when preparing the data file for submittal of food service employee training records?
- What license number should be used when submitting food service employee training data files?
- How can I find the license number of a particular restaurant when reporting food service employee training records?
- Can I submit food service employee training data for a restaurant with an expired license?
- Can I submit food service employee training data from a restaurant in a “plan approved” license status?
- How do food service employee training providers get a username and password to use the reporting system?
- How do I contact DBPR for more help with reporting food service employee training?
Are public lodging establishments obligated to ensure that human trafficking awareness training has been provided to all employees?
No. Section 509.096(1)(a), Florida Statutes, requires that training only be provided to employees of the establishment who perform housekeeping duties in the rental units or who work at the front desk or reception area where guests ordinarily check in or check out.
May an establishment create its own human trafficking awareness training curriculum to provide to its employees?
Yes. Any curriculum may be used, as long as the curriculum satisfies the requirements for such training. See § 509.096(2)(a)-(c), Florida Statutes.
How can an establishment demonstrate that its employees have successfully completed human trafficking awareness training?
Each establishment must obtain from each applicable employee a signed and dated acknowledgement of having received the training. See § 509.096(1)(a), Florida Statutes.
How can an establishment ensure that its procedure for reporting of suspected human trafficking is sufficient?
The establishment will be in compliance so long as it has a procedure in place by January 1, 2021, for the reporting of suspected human trafficking to the National Human Trafficking Hotline or to a local law enforcement agency. See § 509.096(1)(b), Florida Statutes.
How can a public lodging establishment submit their human trafficking awareness employee training curriculum to the Division for review and approval?
A public lodging establishment can submit their chosen training curriculum to our Division’s headquarters office for review, or the establishment may present the training curriculum to a representative of the Division during an official visit to the establishment. The Division plans to post a list to its website of third-party training curriculums that have already been reviewed and approved. This list is intended to help establishments that may be seeking to use a curriculum that has already been reviewed and approved, versus creating their own curriculum.
Are individual units that are part of a larger, licensed vacation rental collective or group subject to the requirements of section 509.096, Florida Statutes?
Yes. All public lodging establishments must comply with the requirements of section 509.096, Florida Statutes. See § 509.096(1), Florida Statutes.
May an establishment provide “live”, in-person human trafficking awareness training to their employees?
Yes, as long as the training meets statutory requirements and is able to be reviewed by the Division upon request. See § 509.096(1)(a) and (2)(a)-(c), Florida Statutes.
Are licensed non-transient public lodging establishments exempt from the human trafficking awareness requirements?
No. All public lodging establishments must comply with the requirements of section 509.096, Florida Statutes. See § 509.096(1), Florida Statutes.
Balcony Inspection
- Which establishments require a balcony inspection?
- What is considered a balcony?
- Is a special certification or license required to conduct a balcony inspection in a lodging establishment?
- Is there a balcony inspection form that must be used for a balcony inspection in a lodging establishment?
- Is a separate balcony inspection form required for each building in a lodging establishment?
- When must a balcony inspection be completed in a lodging establishment?
- What happens if the balcony inspector finds a defect?
- Do I have to keep a copy of the Certificate of Balcony Inspection on property of my lodging establishment?
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
- Which lodging establishments require carbon monoxide detectors?
- What are the installation requirements for a carbon monoxide detector in a lodging establishment?
- Is there an alternative to installing carbon monoxide detectors in an affected lodging establishment?
- The Division of Hotels and Restaurants cited me for not having carbon monoxide detector(s) in my lodging establishment. Do I still have to correct that violation?
Cribs and Crib Safety
- Are public lodging establishments required to provide cribs for guest use?
- Where can I find the current safety standards for cribs?
- How can I tell if a crib in a public lodging establishment is safe?
- Are public lodging establishments allowed to provide drop side cribs for guest use?
- May a public lodging establishment immobilize a drop side crib in order to continue using the crib?
Fire Safety
- What is the Division of Hotels and Restaurants’ role in addressing fire safety issues in public food service and lodging establishments?
- Are the Division of Hotels and Restaurants’ fire safety reports available to the public?
- Whom should I contact regarding complaints or questions about fire related issues?
- Who is the authority on what fire protection equipment I need in my food service or lodging establishment?
- Why are automatic sprinkler systems recommended in food service and lodging facilities?
- Who is responsible for maintaining the fire protection equipment located at a public food service or lodging establishment licensed by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
Guest Registers
- Does a public lodging establishment have to maintain records of guest occupancy and for how long?
- Can the Division of Hotels and Restaurants inspect guest registers?
HUD Apartment Exclusion
- What is the exclusion for HUD-inspected apartment buildings?
- How do I apply for the exclusion for my HUD-inspected apartment buildings that are designated as elderly housing?
- What happens if my apartment complex no longer qualifies for a full exclusion as HUD-inspected elderly housing?
- What happens if my apartment buildings no longer qualify for a partial exclusion as HUD-inspected elderly housing?
Landlord and Tenants
Nontransient Apartments
- How can someone verify whether a nontransient apartment is licensed with DBPR’s Division of Hotels & Restaurants?
- How often are nontransient apartments inspected by DBPR?
- Can the division inspect my apartment for vermin?
- I need to report a safety concern or sanitation issue at an apartment building or complex. Who should I contact?
- Does the division have authority over security deposits, apartment maintenance, pest control, or terms of the lease?
Transient Lodging
- Can a lodging establishment refuse to rent me rent a room?
- What can I do if I do not like the facility or my room is dirty when I arrive at a lodging establishment?
- Can a lodging establishment refuse to refund a deposit or prepaid reservation if my travel plans change or I want to cancel my reservation?
- Can a lodging establishment change the rental rate or charge a rate different from an advertised rate?
- What happens if I have a reservation, but the lodging establishment overbooks and cannot provide me a room?
- Can a lodging establishment add unexpected charges to my bill when I checkout?
- How do I remove someone who owes me money from the premises of my lodging establishment?
- If a guest at my lodging establishment is disturbing other guests, can I have them ejected from the premises?
- Must I rent to active military personnel regardless of age?
- Can the division inspect my apartment for mold?
- Can the division test my apartment for mold?
- Can the division force my landlord to fix a mold problem or mold damage in my apartment?
- How can I prevent mold?
- Where can I get more information on mold?
Swimming Pools and Spas
Vacation Rentals and Timeshare Projects
- Does the division regulate vacation rental hosting platforms such as Airbnb or VRBO?
- What is a licensed agent for vacation rentals and timeshare projects?
- Does a licensed agent for a vacation rental or timeshare project have to be licensed by the Division of Real Estate?
- What is a timeshare project public lodging establishment?
- Does DBPR restrict vacation rental locations, or the frequency or lengths of rental periods?
- Can condo units and dwellings be commingled under 1 vacation rental license?
- Do I need to obtain a separate vacation rental license for each of my rental properties?
- Does the rental of individual beds or bedrooms in a personal residence require a DBPR vacation rental license?
- How do I add or remove rental properties on my vacation rental license?
- How can I verify a vacation rental is properly licensed with DBPR’s Division of Hotels & Restaurants?
- What types of rental properties need a vacation rental license from DBPR?
- How can I find out what local regulations apply to my vacation rental?
Miya’s Law
- Should guests renting a transient apartment be included on the log accounting for the issuance and return of all unit keys?
- There are no employees directly employed by the apartment complex who work at the licensed premises. Do I still have to complete form “DBPR HR 7033 – Proof of Compliance with Miya’s Law Background Screenings”?
- What are the requirements for non-transient apartment and transient apartment public lodging establishments under “Miya’s Law”?
- What is considered an employee?
- Where do I submit the completed “DBPR HR 7033 – Proof of Compliance with Miya’s Law Background Screenings” form?
- Where can I obtain the “DBPR HR 7033 – Proof of Compliance with Miya’s Law Background Screenings” form?
- Where should the “DBPR HR 7033 – Proof of Compliance with Miya’s Law Background Screenings” form be posted?
- Which employees do I include on form “DBPR HR 7033 – Proof of Compliance with Miya’s Law Background Screenings”?
- Which public lodging establishments must complete the “DBPR HR 7033 – Proof of Compliance with Miya’s Law Background Screenings” form?
- What is considered a temporary food service event?
- Who is responsible for notifying the Division of Hotels and Restaurants about a temporary food service event?
- Who needs a temporary food service event license and are there ever any conditions that would exclude an operator from needing one?
- If I hold a current public food service establishment license, do I need a temporary food service event license also?
- If I hold a current Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services license, do I need a temporary food service event license also?
- If I am only giving food away, do I need a Temporary Food Service Event License?
- Do churches, schools, or nonprofit organizations need a temporary food service event license?
- What documentation is required to show that I am a nonprofit organization and exempt from the requirement of a temporary food service event license?
- If I am donating a percentage of my sales to a nonprofit group (like my church or school), do I need a temporary food service event license?
- How do I get a Temporary Food Service Event Vendor License?
- How much does a Temporary Food Service Event Vendor License cost?
- What is an Annual Temporary Food Service Event Vendor License?
- Are there any special terms for the Annual Temporary Food Service Event Vendor License?
- When does a temporary food service event license expire?
- Do I need any other licenses to participate at a temporary food service event?
- If I have more than one booth, how many temporary food service event licenses do I need?
- Once I am set up at the temporary food service event, do I have to wait until I am inspected and receive a license to start cooking or serving food?
- What type of structure is required to operate as a Temporary Food Service vendor?
- What kind of food can I serve at a temporary food service event?
- Where can I set up my unit/structure for the temporary food service event?
- What kind of equipment do I need on my unit/structure; to meet the minimum temporary food service event licensing requirements?
- Do I have to use a tent at a temporary food service event?
- Can I make food at home and sell it from my unit or structure at a temporary food service event?
- Do I need to complete any special training or obtain any certifications in order to serve food at a temporary food service event?
- Must I place my grills and fryers under a tent at a temporary food service event?
- Can I share equipment with another vendor at a temporary food service event?
- How far away from my food must the customers be kept to prevent cross contamination at a temporary food service event?
- Am I required to install a sneeze guard to protect my food at a temporary food service event?
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Need Help?
All requests for public records, complaints, forms, and applications for licenses can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.
Steven von Bodungen, Director
Division of Hotels and Restaurants
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1011
Telephone: 850.487.1395
Email: dhr.info@myfloridalicense.com