Open Government Seal The Office of Open Government was re-established by Governor Rick Scott by Executive Order 11-03 Welcome to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation Public Records Center and tracking system! Florida is proud to lead the nation in providing public access to government meetings and records. The public has the right to know how our department respects their interest when requesting information about licensed individuals, unlicensed activity, and other public information within the State of Florida. This service will increase citizen access to public information while allowing the department the ability to respond more efficiently to public records requests. With the public information center, requesters have the ability to log into the system to track the status of their requests and communicate with the department. Requesters will also be able to search for answers to common public records questions by simply clicking below.

Public Records

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation works hard to make it easy for you to request a public record. The divisions maintain regularly requested information electronically on their home pages including licensee download files. Please visit our Instant Public Records menu to see if the records you are looking for are available electronically. If the public record you are seeking is not available, you can request additional public records below.

Open Government Contacts

Katie Noble, Custodian of Public Records & Public Records Coordinator

Andrew FierDeputy General Counsel for Administration

Ashley WorkowskiAssistant Public Records Coordinator

Deandre Lewis, Assistant Public Records Coordinator

DBPR’s open government website gives visitors easy access to information about the Department, from how to request a public record to the Department’s budget priorities and contracted vendors.


Please consider using this electronic form to help facilitate your request to the department’s online portal. This system will allow the public the ability to create and submit a public records request through our website. You are not required to submit a request for public records in writing. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of the Open Government.

NOTE: No fields are required to identify yourself, per Chapter 119, Florida Statutes; however, if you choose to make a public records request using this online system, please provide an email address to provide you the ability to access the system.

If you have any questions or concerns, please use our Contact Form.

Phone Number: (850) 488-0062

Fax Number: (850) 922-1278.

Physical Address:

DBPR Office of Open Government

2601 Blair Stone Road

Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202