All forms and publications are provided in one of 3 formats:

Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).

To download software to read these documents, go to Download Adobe Reader.

Microsoft Word®

To download software to read these documents, go to Word Viewer.

Microsoft Excel®

To download software to read these documents, go to Excel Viewer.

If you have difficulties opening a file from our web pages, you can often solve these problems by “clearing your cache.” For Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Internet Options… > Delete Files… > OK > OK. Then, click the Refresh button on your browser and try to open the file again.  For other browsers, please check the browser documentation or Help Menu.

On Completing the Forms Electronically:

Many forms are provided as enterable Microsoft Word® and Adobe PDF files. You may print them and complete them by hand, or you may fill them out directly on your computer. Unless otherwise indicated, you may not submit them online, but you can fill them out electronically and print the completed form.

Adobe Acrobat Reader will allow you to save the blank form, but will erase your entered data when you save it. To address this problem, you could purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional or download another software program, such as the free Foxit Reader.

Need Help?

All requests for public records, complaints, forms, and applications for licenses can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.

Steven von Bodungen, Director

Division of Hotels and Restaurants
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1011

Telephone: 850.487.1395