Florida requires all food service employees to be trained on proper food handling and hygiene practices every three years. Only division-approved training programs are accepted as meeting the training requirement.

More information is available from:

Industry Bulletin 2011-03

Food Service Employee Training Provider Information (pdf)

Industry Bulletin 2013-03

Food Service Employee Training and Manager Certification Requirements (pdf)

Section 509.049, Florida Statutes

Rule 61C-4.023, Florida Administrative Code (Microsoft Word)

Training Vendors

Training Programs List (pdf)

View a listing of all independent entities that have been approved by the division to conduct their own food handler training programs.  The division is no longer accepting applications for food safety training certification programs.

Food Service Handler Training Reporting Requirements

Chapter 509.049(7)(b), Florida Statutes, requires third party providers to maintain and electronically submit information concerning establishments where they provide training or training programs.

All food service employee training performed using a DBPR approved third party provider program or any training service which uses a DBPR approved third party provider program must be reported to DBPR.

Any food service establishment using its own in-house proprietary program approved by DBPR and which uses its own certified food manager(s) to provide the training is exempt from reporting requirements.

Food Service Handler Training data

Download food service employee training data reported to DBPR as required in section 509.049(7)(b), Florida Statutes, which requires third party providers to maintain and electronically submit information concerning establishments where they provide training or training programs.

FRLA Food Service Handler Training data

Search data compiled by the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (FRLA). FRLA was the department’s contracted food service handler training provider through the term of the most recent contract. The data contains information about food service handlers successfully certified using the FRLA’s SafeStaff program.

Food Service Employee Training FAQ

> Is food service employee training different than food manager certification?

> Who has to complete food service employee training and is there a specific training program required?

> What does a food service employee training program teach?

> Can employees complete food service employee training on the Internet or through other types of distance learning?

> How long do employees have to complete food service employee training?

> Does food service employee training ever expire?

> Is proof of food service employee training required?

> Do employees have to complete any other training, in addition to the food service employee training?

> Are employees required to use specific training materials or programs for duty-specific training?

Food Service Employee Training Reporting FAQ

> What is the reporting requirement for food service employee training and are there any exemptions from this reporting requirement?

> When and how must food service employee training be reported?

> What are some common mistakes when preparing the data file for submittal of food service employee training records?

> What license number should be used when submitting food service employee training data files?

> How can I find the license number of a particular restaurant when reporting food service employee training records?

> Can I submit food service employee training data for a restaurant with an expired license?

> Can I submit food service employee training data from a restaurant in a “plan approved” license status?

> How do food service employee training providers get a username and password to use the reporting system?

> How do I contact DBPR for more help with reporting food service employee training?

Need Help?

All requests for public records, complaints, forms, and applications for licenses can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.

Steven von Bodungen, Director

Division of Hotels and Restaurants
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1011

Telephone: 850.487.1395
Email: dhr.info@myfloridalicense.com