Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco - Florida Responsible Vendor Act

Responsible vendor training is a program offered to servers at bars and restaurants. Instruction is provided by private vendors who present course materials and encourage good management policy formation. Vendors learn the laws and policies regarding serving underage patrons and serving intoxicated patrons. The effects of the training include fewer underage sales of alcohol, fewer DUI fatalities in states where training is offered, and more successful compliance with state statutes on the part of servers, who are more professional and knowledgeable when serving alcohol to patrons. Vendors who successfully complete training and maintain compliance may receive a reduction in their liability insurance premiums.

The Florida Statutes that pertain to Responsible Vendor Training are Sections 561.701, 561.702, 561.703, 561.705, and 561.706, Florida Statues.

Division personnel use a Responsible Vendor Qualifications Checklist for determining the degree to which a licensed vendor has met the qualifications described in Section 561.705, Florida Statutes. (Note: MS Word is required to view and print the checklist)

Need Help?

All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.

Jerome Worley, Director 

Division of Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0791

Telephone: 850.487.1395
Facsimile: 850.922.5175

Report Unlawful Activity !

SUDS: Stop Underage Drinking and Sales
To report any violations of state laws pertaining to alcohol or tobacco sales, please call toll free 1.866.540.SUDS (7837).

Tax Stamp Violation Reporting (Call 1-866-540-PUFS)
Report cigarette packages offered for sale without a valid Florida cigarette tax stamp and help stop the illegal sale of cigarettes in Florida.  Click here for more information.  Click here for more information.

Other Violations of the Florida Beverage Law
To report allegations of criminal or administrative violations of Florida’s Beverage Law, please contact your nearest ABT district office to file a complaint or click here.