Welcome to the Investigations Section
The Investigations Section of the OIG is comprised of one (1) investigations director and three (3) sworn investigators. Staff within this section are primarily responsible for conducting internal investigations and inquiries into allegations of employee misconduct and allegations that department employees have violated law, rule, policy, procedure, or regulation. This unit accomplishes its mission through both reactive and proactive investigative efforts based on the authority specified in Section 20.055, Florida Statutes, and in accordance with the Principles and Standards for Offices of Inspector General (the “Green Book”), which is published by the Association of Inspectors General.
Internal investigations may identify deficiencies in policies and procedures, other internal controls, or business processes that caused or contributed to the situation requiring investigation. By reporting these deficiencies to management, the department has the opportunity to address the deficiency and thereby reduce the likelihood of future occurrences of the fraud, waste, mismanagement, misconduct, or other abuses. OIG findings are reported to the department’s Secretary, Human Resources and, as appropriate, to the respective division directors, immediate supervisors and the Office of the General Counsel. Recommendations for improved processes, policies, or procedures are made when warranted by the findings.
The majority of complaints referred to the Investigations Section are received via the OIG’s telephonic and online complaint reporting process, which is available not only to department employees, but also to the citizens of Florida. Many of the complaints reported to the OIG are referred to the department’s various division directors, since they are more appropriate for management review and response, rather than for investigation.
Please access the following link for Frequently Asked Questions regarding the investigations process: Investigations FAQs
Matthew Collier, Director of Investigations
(850) 414-6700