The Office of Inspector General is established pursuant to Section 20.055, Florida Statutes, to provide a central point for the coordination of and responsibility for activities that promote accountability, integrity, and efficiency in government.
The Office of Inspector General fulfills its duties and responsibilities by providing independent and objective evaluations of department programs, activities, and functions. This is accomplished through internal audits, internal investigations, and management reviews designed to help identify, reduce, and prevent incidences of fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, and misconduct in department operations. Click here to read our Annual Report.
The Office of Inspector General is organized into two sections:
FRAUD AWARENESS – PREVENTING, DETECTING, AND REPORTING FRAUD One of the primary responsibilities of the OIG is to aid and guide the department in the detection, reporting, and prevention of all instances of fraud. Fraud not only leads to losses in resources, decreased productivity, low employee morale, and poor customer service to those we license and regulate, but it also tarnishes this department’s reputation and standing. It is important that we provide department staff with the knowledge and ability to assist in the detection, reporting, and prevention of fraud. Without your alertness, diligence, and assistance, we would be unable to carry out our duties effectively in this arena. Please click on the following link to the right for critical information on identifying and reporting fraud to the OIG: