Board Information

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation supports the Governor in meeting his obligation to appoint qualified, representative and appropriate people to the important leadership roles within the department’s Professional Boards, Council and Commissions. Members are appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate.

The Board of Landscape Architecture members work with the department in meeting its mission to, “License Efficiently. Regulate Fairly.”  There are approximately 1,400 licensees pursuant to Chapter 481, Part II, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 61G10, Florida Administrative Code.

Landscape Architects consult, plan, design, and prepare of drawings, specifications, contract documents and reports, responsible construction supervision, or landscape management in connection with the planning and development of land and incidental water areas, where the dominant purpose is the preservation, conservation, enhancement, or determination of proper land uses, natural land features, ground cover and plantings.

The Board of Landscape Architecture consists of seven members, five of whom shall be registered landscape architects and two of whom shall be laypersons who are not and have never been registered landscape architects or members of any closely related profession.  No member may serve for more than the remaining portion of a previous member’s unexpired term, plus two consecutive 4-year terms.

As the terms of the members expire, the Governor shall appoint successors for terms of four years; and such members shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. The Governor may remove any member for cause. No person shall be appointed to serve more than two consecutive terms. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Governor for the unexpired portion of the term.

Each board member shall receive per diem and mileage allowances as provided in Section 112.061, Florida Statutes, from the place of her or his residence to the place of the meeting and return to the residence.

The Board meets approximately four times a year for one day, plus teleconferences as necessary.  Prior to each meeting, there is an average of four hours of pre-meeting preparation required.  Preparation activates may include such activities as reviewing agenda items, reviewing application information, reviewing disciplinary information, and/or reading Florida Statutes and Florida Administrative Code.