Landscape Architecture
Ruthanne Christie, Executive Director
The Board of Landscape Architecture is responsible for licensing and regulating landscape architects. The board meets regularly to consider applications for licensure, to review disciplinary cases, and to conduct informal hearings relating to licensure and discipline. The board engages in rulemaking to implement the provisions set forth in its statutes and conducts other general business, as necessary.
Business Information for Consumers
Business Information for Licensees:
To review information regarding qualifying a landscape architect business, please visit the Board’s ‘Qualifying a Business’ FAQs.
Getting Started in Landscape Architecture
Registered Landscape Architect
LA and LC – A “registered landscape architect” means a person who holds a license to practice landscape architecture in this state. A Landscape Architect may perform the following services, including, but not limited to:
• consultation, investigation, research, planning, and design;
• preparation of drawings, specifications, contract documents and reports;
• construction supervision;
• landscape management, including the use of Xeriscape, to the extent that, the dominant purpose of such services or creative works is the preservation, conservation, enhancement, or determination of proper land uses, natural land features, ground cover and plantings, or naturalistic and aesthetic values;
• determine the grounds and approaches for and the siting of buildings and structures, outdoor areas, or other improvements;
• setting of grades;
• shaping and contouring of land and water forms;
• determination of drainage and provision for storm drainage and irrigation systems; and
• the design of such tangible objects (retaining walls, gazebos, fences, etc) and features (waterfalls, ponds, etc).
“Landscape design” is often confused with landscape architecture. Landscape design means the consultation for and preparation of planting plans, including specifications and installation details for plant materials, soil amendments, mulches, edging, gravel, and other similar materials. Unlike landscape architecture, landscape design is not a licensed profession that is regulated by the State of Florida.
The term “landscape designer” (unlike the term “landscape architect”) is available to any and all persons who choose to use the term. Use of the term “landscape designer” has no specific state requirement for education, testing, or experience. There are no specific state required professional qualifications, or regulatory restrictions or controls on “landscape designer” performance and conduct. For scope of practice that is allowed by unlicensed individuals (whether they are called “landscape designer” or some other title) please review Chapter 481, Part II, Florida Statutes.
Licensed professionals, including Landscape Architects are issued an identifying license number at time of licensure. A number preceded by “LA” is a license number for an individual landscape architect. A number preceded by “LC” is a number for a licensed business entity that is licensed to practice landscape architecture.
Class Code 001 allows a “landscape architect” (LA) to also trim/prune mangrove trees.
The requirements for becoming licensed in Florida are described in the statutes and rules. Choose a license type to apply.
Landscape Architect
- Landscape Architect – Examination (LA 1)
- Landscape Architect – Practical Experience Verification Form (LA 6)
- Landscape Architect – Endorsement (LA 3)
- Landscape Architect – Professional Licensure for Military Personnel/Veterans/Military Spouses (MVL 003)
- Landscape Architect – Temporary License – Professional Licensure for Military Personnel/Veterans/Military Spouses (MVL 003)
- Landscape Architect – Professional Licensure under the Servicemember Civil Relief Act (SCRA 1)
- Landscape Architect – Temporary License (LA 4)
Continuing Education Provider and Course Approval
Examination Information
The Landscape Architect Registration Examination is administered by the Council of Landscape Architectural Registrations Boards (CLARB) three times a year over a two-week period in April, August and December. View the CLARB website for exam dates, deadlines and fees.
Florida Section F is administered in computer-based testing (CBT) format. Click here for a list of testing sites near you. For more information, please see the Candidate Information Booklet.
Fee Waiver Applications
- Florida Military Veteran Fee Waiver
- Florida National Guard Fee Waiver
- Military Personnel, Veterans and Military Spouses Licensing Fee Waiver
- Low Income Waiver of Licensing Fee
Note: If you have previously applied for your license, you may check your application status.
Landscape Architects
Licenses expire November 30th every odd year.
DBPR will send you a notification that the renewal period is open, at which time you can renew your license(s). This will be 90-120 days before the expiration. All notices will be provided via email. We encourage you to keep your information up-to-date and renew online. DBPR online services offer a quick and easy way to renew your license, find license requirements, apply for a license and update a license.
Before midnight EST on November 30, 2023, you will need to complete the following requirements to renew your license:
- Complete the continuing education requirement; and
- Pay the renewal fee
See the “CE Requirements” tab for further information on Continuing Education to renew your license.
For more information concerning your license’s unique requirements, please click the relevant link below:
Continuing Education Providers
Continuing Education Provider licenses expire May 31st every other odd year.
DBPR will send you a notification that the renewal period is open, at which time you can renew your license. This will be 90-120 days before the expiration. All notices will be provided via email. We encourage you to keep your information up-to-date and renew online. DBPR online services offer a quick and easy way to renew your license, find license requirements, apply for a license and update a license.
Before midnight EST on May 31, 2023, you will need to complete the renewal requirements. For more information, please click this link:
Renewal Information For CE Providers
We encourage you to renew online. However, you can mail your renewal form and fee to:
Department of Business and Professional Regulation
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783
Education Course List
Continuing Education (Advance Code, Laws and Rules, Optional)
You may also use the department’s Find a CE Course tool to locate specific subject areas or course topics.
License Types | Continuing Education Requirements | Fee | Expiration Date |
Landscape Architect | Starting with the renewal cycle beginning December 1, 2021 licensees will be required to complete 16 hours of continuing education to include 1 hour Florida Building Code Advanced Module and 1 hour Laws and Rules | $230 | 11/30 Odd Year |
Quick Links
Need Help?
All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.
Division of Professions
Board of Landscape Architecture
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0791
Telephone: 850.487.1395
Facsimile: 850.488.8040