Important Information (Hot Topics)

Certification of Registered Contractors

House Bill 869, which passed during the 2023 legislative session, was approved by Governor Ron DeSantis on June 9, 2023. This bill re-opens the opportunity for electrical and alarm contractors to request that their registered license be grandfathered to a statewide certified license. Grandfathering begins July 1, 2023. Please see our FAQs for more information.

DBPR Emergency Order 2022-07 has been issued in response to Hurricane Ian

Due to the significant impact of Hurricane Ian on the citizens of Florida, Department of Business and Professional Regulation Secretary Melanie S. Griffin, pursuant to the authority granted by Executive Order 2022-218, as amended by Executive Order 2022-219, has executed DBPR Emergency Order 2022-07 stating while the emergency order is in effect, registered electrical and alarm contractors are not subject to geographic scope limitations or requirements when providing services in listed counties, subject to additional requirements outlined in the emergency order. For more information, see the DBPR Emergency Orders 2022-03 and 2022-07 Fact Sheet.

On June 30, 2020 Governor Ron DeSantis signed “The Occupational Freedom and Opportunity Act” (HB 1193) which eliminates unnecessary regulations and reduces barriers to entry for certain professions. The bill reduces the continuing education requirements for Electrical, Alarm and Specialty Contractors effective July 1, 2020.

The new continuing education requirements for renewal can be found in the FAQ’s.

All ECLB Approved Continuing Education Classroom Courses Can Now Be Offered Online

On May 15, 2020 the Electrical Contractors’ Licensing Board (ECLB) determined all ECLB approved classroom courses may be offered via live, interactive online meeting applications such as Zoom, GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar, Skype or similar platforms. The courses must be led by the approved instructor with the same content as provided in the course application. This does not require separate application and approval.

If such course is recorded and offered online on demand at a later date it will require a separate application and course number and must meet the requirements for an interactive distance learning course.

Two-Way Radio Enhancement Systems Specialty License:
Applications to take the examination are now available, the first exam will be offered on April 6, 2020.

Certified and Registered Electrical Specialty Contractors

It has come to our attention the licenses did not print with the specific specialty listed on them.  If this is an issue for you please go into your online account and reprint the license.  The large license once reprinted will now show the title of your specialty.

Paperless Licensing, effective 05/04/2018

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation is excited to announce an advancement in how we license electrical contractors in the State of Florida.
The Department has implemented an innovative way to expedite the licensing process for electrical contractors. The Department will no longer be mailing licenses upon issuance, as licensees can now print their licenses by logging into their secure online account with the Department. This will allow new licensees to enter the work force at least 7 to 10 business days early, whereas, in the past, they would have to wait for the license to arrive in the mail. In addition to new licenses, this process will allow licensees to renew online and print the license at their convenience, as well as print duplicate licenses as needed without paying a fee.

HB 1021

Effective July 1, 2017

The following addition has been made to chapter 489 Part II, F.S.

489.516 Qualifications to practice; restrictions; prerequisites.

(5) This part does not prevent any certified electrical or alarm system contractor from acting as a prime contractor when the majority of the work to be performed under the contract is within the scope of his or her license or from subcontracting to other licensed contractors any remaining work that is part of the project contracted.

HB 241

Effective June 2, 2017

Chapter 489.529, F.S. regarding alarm verification calls was modified. The updated language is below.

489.529 Alarm verification calls required.—All residential or commercial intrusion/burglary alarms that have central monitoring must have a central monitoring verification call made to a telephone number associated with the premises generating the alarm signal, before prior to alarm monitor personnel contacting a law enforcement agency for alarm dispatch. The central monitoring station must employ call-verification methods for the premises generating the alarm signal if the first call is not answered. However, if the intrusion/burglary alarms have properly operating visual or auditory sensors that enable the monitoring personnel to verify the alarm signal, verification calling is not required if:
(1) The intrusion/burglary alarm has a properly operating visual or auditory sensor that enables the monitoring personnel to verify the alarm signal; or
(2) The intrusion/burglary alarm is installed on a premises that is used for the storage of firearms or ammunition by a person who holds a valid federal firearms license as a manufacturer, importer, or dealer of firearms or ammunition, provided the customer notifies the alarm monitoring company that he or she holds such license and would like to bypass the two-call verification protocol. Upon initiation of a new alarm monitoring service contract, the alarm monitoring company shall make reasonable efforts to inform a customer who holds a valid federal firearms license as a manufacturer, importer, or dealer of firearms or ammunition of his or her right to opt out of the two-call verification protocol.

Military Veterans

Beginning July 1, 2016 new provisions went into effect to assist U.S. Military Veterans applying for licensure. The new provisions specifically allow for experience gained in the military to be used toward the requirements for licensure.

Veterans should submit the Veteran Fee Waiver and Military Service Verification Form along with the application for licensure.

Follow this link to Electrical and Alarm Contractor licensure applications

Continuing Education

Beginning with the 2014-2016 renewal cycle, licensees are required to take 1 hour of continuing education in Florida Laws and Rules as part of their 14 hours of continuing education.

14 hours of Continuing Education must include:
• 7 hours technical
• 1 hour workers’ compensation
• 1 hour workplace safety
• 1 hour business practices
• 1 hour Florida Building Code advanced module course
• 1 hour Florida Laws & Rules
• 2 hours false alarm prevention (for all certified and registered alarm contractors and certified electrical contractors who perform alarm work)
• Remaining hours general credit

HB 517 was approved by Governor Rick Scott on April 6, 2012 and reduces the continuing education required to activate an inactive license. You now only have to complete one renewal cycle of continuing education instead of completing continuing education for all the renewal cycles your license was in an inactive status. Effective July 1, 2012, in order to reactivate an inactive license, you will need to complete the continuing education requirements in place at the time of the last renewal for your profession. That includes 14 hours of board-approved continuing education that was taken during the last, or current, renewal period and must include the following:
7 hours technical
1 hour workers’ compensation
1 hour workplace safety
1 hour business practices
2 hours false alarm prevention (for all certified and registered alarm contractors and certified electrical contractors who perform alarm work)
1-3 hours general credit
1 hour Florida Building Code advanced module course

Need Help?

All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.

Division of Professions
Electrical Contractors’ Licensing Board
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0791

Telephone: 850.487.1395
Facsimile: 850.488.8040