Certification of Registered Contractors
House Bill 763, which passed during the 2019 legislative session, was approved by Governor Ron DeSantis on June 7, 2019. This bill will re-open the time period for electrical and alarm contractors to request that their registered license be grandfathered to a statewide certified license. Grandfathering begins July 1, 2019 and ends November 1, 2021. All applications for grandfathering must be postmarked no later than November 1, 2021 to be considered for grandfathering. Please see our FAQ’s for more information.
Renewal Update
The renewal deadlines for contractors licensed by the Electrical Contractors Licensing Board and the Construction Industry Licensing Board have been extended from August 31, 2016 to September 9, 2016 at 11:59 p.m due to Tropical Storm Hermine. Licensees will not be placed in a delinquent status for non-renewal, and delinquency fees will not be assessed until that time. Continuing Education credits will continue to be accepted for this renewal cycle during this period.
Certification of Registered Contractor’s Licenses (Grandfathering)
Grandfathering ended November 1, 2015. All applications for grandfathering received or postmarked by the November 1, 2015 deadline will be processed.
2012 Grandfathering Changes Do Not Apply to Electrical Contractors
There appears to be some confusion over the availability of grandfathering with the Electrical Contractors’ Licensing Board. There were no legislative changes to Chapter 489, Part II, Florida Statutes, to allow for grandfathering of registered electrical contractors’ licenses. There was a statutory change that allowed grandfathering under Chapter 489, Part I, Florida Statutes, affecting registered contractors with the Construction Industry Licensing Board.
We understand that some licensees have received letters from county building departments that they can grandfather their registered electrical contractor’s license. These letters are incorrect and there is no grandfathering for registered electrical contractors at this time.
If you are interested in becoming certified you may file an application to take the examination. Applications may be found at Apply For/Update License > Electrical Contractors.
Streamlined Applications Released
In an effort to assist applicants through the licensure process and to reduce the number of deficient applications, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation and the Electrical Contractors’ Licensing Board conducted a complete review and revision of all applications. The updated applications were launched July 10, 2012.
Assessment Fee
During the August 2010 license renewal, the Electrical Contractors’ Licensing Board will charge a one-time special assessment fee of $75.00 per licensee, which will be due along with your renewal fee. The department is statutorily required to maintain a cash balance for each of the professions it regulates. The ECLB has been operating in a deficit for several years, and the board determined the best way to eliminate the deficit was to assess a one-time $75 fee, rather than permanently increase the total cost of the license.
Please be assured that the department is very conservative with its spending, and continually works to cut costs and to operate efficiently and effectively. The licensing fees the department receives from electrical and alarm system contractors are used to pay for essential tasks associated with the profession’s licensing and enforcement activities, such as funding the contractor application process, enforcing laws and rules, and holding the required board meetings. The department has also seen an increase in unlicensed activity over the past two years, and we have focused a lot of our attention on investigating and prosecuting individuals who are doing electrical and alarm system contracting without a license.
As of March 18, 2010 the Electrical Contractors’ Licensing Board no longer recognizes Georgia’s LVU, LVA, LVG and LVT licenses for the purposes of endorsement. If you hold one of these licenses and wish to become licensed in Florida you will need to take and pass the appropriate Florida examination. For further information on licensure by examination or endorsement please refer to our applications and FAQ’s.
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Need Help?
All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.
Division of Professions
Electrical Contractors’ Licensing Board
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0791
Telephone: 850.487.1395
Facsimile: 850.488.8040