Important Information (Hot Topics)

Continuing Education Exemption

On May 17, 2024, Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 382 into law.  SB 382 reduces regulatory burdens on Department of Business and Professional Regulation license holders by exempting certain licensees from continuing education requirements.  Pursuant to SB 382, a licensee is exempt from continuing education requirements if they meet the following criteria:

  1. The licensee is licensed by one of the following Department of Business and Professional Regulation Boards, Councils, or Licensing Programs:
    1. Barbers’ Board
    2. Building Code Administrators and Inspectors Board
    3. Board of Cosmetology
    4. Home Inspectors Licensing Program
    5. Mold-Related Services Licensing Program
    6. Board of Pilot Commissioners
    7. Regulatory Council of Community Association Managers
    8. Board of Veterinary Medicine
  2. The licensee holds an active license.
  3. The licensee has held their license continuously for at least 10 years.
  4. No discipline has been imposed against the license.

Effective July 1, 2024, all licensees who meet the above requirements will be exempted from their current continuing education requirements and will be able to verify their exemption status through their online account or by searching the Department’s online licensing portal, at:

ICC National Certification Exam Availability for Florida Candidates Effective June 1, 2023

EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2023, the International Code Council (ICC) National Certification examinations for Florida candidates will only be available via the Proctored-Remote Online Testing Option (PRONTO) platform. ICC National Certification examinations will no longer be available at Pearson Vue testing centers after June 1, 2023.

Through PRONTO, Florida DBPR candidates can conveniently take their examinations at their home or office computer through a cloud-based testing system, offering secured online proctored examinations. PRONTO exams are immediately available-24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year.

Candidates will need a webcam and computer with working audio quality. For additional information on PRONTO online examinations, including equipment requirements, visit: To run a full system diagnostic test, candidates may visit: Testing Your Equipment.

Although the ICC National Certification examinations will only be available through PRONTO after June 1, 2023, the Florida Principles and Practice examination will continue to be available at Pearson Vue testing locations, as well as through a remote-proctored online testing option (OnVUE). Additional information regarding remote-proctored testing through Pearson Vue can be found at: Florida DBPR OnVUE Exam Information.

BCAIB Endorsement

On June 30, 2020, Governor Ron DeSantis signed “The Occupational Freedom and Opportunity Act” (HB 1193) which eliminates unnecessary regulations and reduces barriers to entry for certain professions. Effective July 1, 2020, there is a new category of Licensure by Endorsement for applicants that are 18 years of age, have good moral character, have held a valid building administrator, inspector, plans examiner, or the equivalent, certification issued by another state or territory of the United States license for at least 10 years before the date of application and successfully passed an applicable examination administered by the International Code Council. Such application must be made either when the license in another state or territory is active or within 2 years after such license was last active.

BCAIB Provisional Certificate

On June 30, 2020, Governor Ron DeSantis signed “The Occupational Freedom and Opportunity Act” (HB 1193) which eliminates unnecessary regulations and reduces barriers to entry for certain professions. The bill provides that all provisional certificates issued by the Building Code Administrators and Inspectors Board are valid for 2 years, effective July 1, 2020.

BCAIB Reduction of Exam Requirements

On June 30, 2020, Governor Ron DeSantis signed “The Occupational Freedom and Opportunity Act” (HB 1193) which eliminates unnecessary regulations and reduces barriers to entry for certain professions. The bill reduces requirements for individuals applying for licensure as an inspector or plans examiner to take the applicable exam, effective July 1, 2020.

Additional information on qualifiers can be found in the FAQ’s.

Renewal notices will be mailed by August 31, 2019 and the deadline to renew is November 30, 2019. This year the Board authorized a $5 unlicensed activity fee waiver for license renewal for active and inactive licensees. This means that licensees whose licenses are currently active or inactive will not have to pay fees to renew their licenses this year. Once a licensee’s continuing education credits are completed and reported to the DBPR system, the license can be renewed.
Due to the expiration date falling on a day other than a business day, expiration shall be the next business day.

Paperless Licensing, effective 08/02/2019

The Department of Business and Professional Regulation is excited to announce an advancement in how we license building code administrators and inspectors in the State of Florida.
The Department has implemented an innovative way to expedite the licensing process for building code administrators and inspectors. The Department will no longer be mailing licenses upon issuance, as licensees can now print their licenses by logging into their secure online account with the Department. This will allow new licensees to enter the work force at least 7 to 10 business days early, whereas, in the past, they would have to wait for the license to arrive in the mail. In addition to new licenses, this process will allow licensees to renew online and print the license at their convenience, as well as print duplicate licenses as needed without paying a fee.

posted 03/08/2018

Forms are now available online for entities desiring to offer an internship certification program, the associated 40-hour code training course, and for individuals entering board-approved internship certification programs. The forms are accessible on the main page, Apply For A License.

posted 02/14/2018

Rules related to HB 1021 effective February 14, 2018

Rules Implementing HB 1021

HB 1021 New Licensure Provisions

HB 1021 Frequently Asked Questions

HB 1021 Draft Rules Implementing Internship Programs

updated 02/15/2018

Immediately and until June 30, 2018, candidates taking the Florida technical examinations will be allowed to use either 2012 OR 2015 code books as references during the examination. After June 30, 2018, candidates WILL ONLY BE ALLOWED TO USE 2015 CODE BOOKS FOR ALL TECHNICAL EXAMINATIONS.

The Legislature has enacted a law delaying the effect of sections of the Florida Building Code, 5th edition until June 30, 2016 incl.:
a. R402.4.1.2 of the Energy Volume relating to mandatory blower door testing for residential buildings;
b. 403.6.1 of the Building Volume requiring a second fire service access elevator; and
c. R303.4 of the Residential Volume requiring mechanical ventilation for residential buildings.

s. 69, Ch. 2015-222, LOF

For individuals seeking the Certified Building Official (CBO)/Building Code Administrator (BCA) designation, the International Code Council (ICC) has three new modules for this examination that will launch January 1, 2015. Individuals approved for licensure by examination after the December 12, 2014, Building Code Administrators & Inspectors Board meeting will be required to pass the new three part ICC examination. The new examination consists of (1) legal, (2) management and (3) building codes and standards. If you have already been approved for the CBO/BCA examination, you will have until December 31, 2016, to pass the two part examination. If you have not passed both parts by December 31, 2016, you will have to take and pass the new three part examination. Please see our Building Code Administrator/Certified Building Official Examination FAQs for more information.

HB 517 was approved by Governor Rick Scott on April 6, 2012, and reduces the continuing education required to activate an inactive license. You now only have to complete one renewal cycle of continuing education instead of completing continuing education for all the renewal cycles your license was in an inactive status. Applicants will need to provide proof of completing the continuing education requirements in effect at the last renewal date immediately prior to their application. Those requirements include completion of 14 hours of board-approved continuing education courses which shall include:  2 hours of accessibility, 2 hours of Florida laws and rules, 1 hour of ethics, and 9 general credit hours.

Please note that the transfer of the Florida Building Commission to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation has not impacted the surcharge payment process.

As a reminder, surcharge payments must be remitted to the appropriate entity within 30 days after the close of each calendar quarter.  Florida Building Commission (FBC) payments should continue to be paid electronically through the FBC’s Building Code Information System (BCIS).  Building Code Administrators and Inspectors Board (BCAIB) payments should continue to be paid by check or money order, made payable to DBPR/BCAIB, and mailed to DBPR/BCAIB at 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-0783.

For further information, please visit the following websites:
BCAIB – buildingcode_surcharge_report_enterable.pdf

An Important Reminder About Limited Certificates

Rule 61G19-6.0035(1)(b), Florida Administrative Code, requires all attestations of work experience be signed by a licensed architect, engineer, contractor, fire marshal, or building code administrator who has knowledge of the applicant’s duties and responsibilities during the period indicated. As a postscript, if the applicant is a licensed architect, engineer, contractor, fire marshal, or building code administrator, they may self-certify their experience. All attestations of work experience must detail the applicant’s work experience.

Need Help?

All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.

Division of Professions
Building Code Administrators and Inspectors Board
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0791

Telephone: 850.487.1395
Facsimile: 850.488.8040