
In order to obtain a license as a Yacht Salesperson, an individual must complete an Initial Application, Application for a Yacht and Ship Employing Broker, Broker or Salesperson’s License – DBPR Form YS 6000-1 , obtain a $10,000 Surety Bond or Letter of Credit, submit a Fingerprint Card and a $51 fee or go to a Livescan vendor that is registered with FDLE for criminal background processing (NOTE: The Livescan vendor will charge you directly for the fingerprint scan), submit a $500 application fee, and provide information regarding affiliation under the license of a Florida Employing Broker on the application.  The licensure period for a Yacht and Ship license is biennial (2 years) and upon completion of the first 2 consecutive years, a Yacht Salesperson may be eligible to upgrade their license to the status of a Yacht Broker or Employing Broker, both with the requirement of a $25,000 surety bond.

The basic duties of a Yacht Salesperson and a Yacht Broker are similar with the main difference being the Yacht Broker status indicates additional experience in the industry.  Employing Brokers (and all licensees) must maintain a principal place of business in Florida, and have the option of being in sole practice or employing other Yacht Salespersons or Yacht Brokers in their company.  If required, there may be more than one Employing Broker within each company.  Employing Brokers also have the additional requirement of establishing an escrow (trust) account in a Florida financial institution.  Effective July 01, 2020, licenses are no longer required for a Branch Office.

No later than 60 days prior to a license expiration date, all licensees are notified by mail with a Renewal Application, Application for Yacht and Ship License Renewal – DBPR Form YS 6000-6.  Licensees can then submit their renewal along with the required Surety Bond, Bond Continuation Certificate, or Letter of Credit (see sample form), and the $500 renewal fee.  During renewal, if eligible, licensees may also upgrade their license status from Yacht Salesperson to Yacht Broker or Employing Broker, or downgrade their license from Employing Broker to Yacht Broker or Yacht Salesperson, or from Yacht Broker to Yacht Salesperson.  Upgrades and downgrades may also be completed at any time during the biennial licensure period.  Please note:  If license renewals are not submitted 30 days after the expiration of the license, the licensee may need to reapply for licensure.


The Yacht and Ship Section announces a new online option that allows Yacht and Ship licensees the ability to renew their licenses online and receive expedited approval.  Renewal notices will continue to be mailed to licensees 60 days prior to their license expiration, and once received, a licensee can visit DBPR’s ‘Online Services’ at to access the online renewal site.  At this site, licensees can set up an account by clicking on ‘Renew Your License’ then selecting ‘Yacht and Ship’.   Please note, licensees can still elect to submit a paper application and supporting documents if that process is more convenient.

Need Help?

All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.

Chevonne Christian, Director
Division of Florida Condominiums,
Timeshares, and Mobile Homes

2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399

Telephone: 850.488.1122
Facsimile: 850.921.5446