Is there a talent agents licensing board?

The talent agency profession does not have a board. Approval of all applicants, businesses and training providers is made by the talent agency unit within the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

What are the functions of the department’s talent agency unit?

The function of the talent agency unit is to license and regulate talent agencies in the State of Florida.

What are the statutes and rules that govern talent agencies?

Chapter 468, Part VII, of the Florida Statutes and Rule 61G19 of the Florida Administrative Code.

Where can I obtain the laws and rules of the Board?

The laws and rules may be obtained on the main page, Statutes and Rules. If you need further assistance, you may call the Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395.

When is a person required to be licensed as a talent agent in Florida?

In Florida, a person acting as an agent is required to be licensed when securing, for a fee, entertainment engagements for their client. No license is required if the agent is representing herself or himself, a family member, or exclusively one artist. However, a person may not advertise or otherwise hold herself or himself out as a “talent agency” or “talent agent” unless the person is licensed as a talent agency in Florida.

What are the requirements for licensure as a talent agency?

You must have one year of direct experience or similar experience as an operator in the talent agency business as:

  • Subagent;
  • Casting Director;
  • Producer;
  • Director;
  • Advertising Agency;
  • Talent Coordinator; or
  • Musical Booking

You must submit an application and the required fees along with electronic fingerprints. The application is available on the main page, Apply For A License. Upon approval of your application, you will be required to submit a surety bond in the amount of $5,000.00 before your license can be issued. The surety bond application may be obtained on the main page, Apply For A License.

Where may I obtain a surety bond as part of my licensing requirement?

You must contact a bonding/surety corporation that is authorized to issue bonds in the State of Florida.

How long will it take to receive my license?

Electronic fingerprint submissions are received in the Department in approximately 24-48 hours upon receipt by the vendor. Applications are normally processed within two weeks of receipt.

Can I conduct business as a talent agency while my license is processing?

You may not operate as a talent agency until you receive your talent agency license issued by the department.  The department does not offer a temporary license for this profession.

Can the talent agency operate when the qualified licensee is no longer affiliated with the talent agency?

The talent agency may not write any new contracts, but can continue to administer any current contracts in place for a period of no longer than 90 days at which point they must have another qualifier.

Can I change my address online?

Yes. Visit our website at > Online Services. You can also change your telephone number and email address here.

Your website provides for "main", "mailing", and "location" addresses. What are the differences?

Three types of addresses have been established to support your needs: main, license mailing, and license location.

  • Main Address – This address is the primary address on file.
  • License Mailing Address – This is the address where the mail associated with a particular license will be sent (if different from the main or license location addresses).
  • License Location Address – This is the address where the place of business is physically located.

An example of the use of different addresses: If Jane Doe is a contractor that works for ACME Builders, she may have 3 different addresses listed in her profile. Her main address would be the address of ACME Builders’ corporate headquarters. Her license mailing may be her home so she doesn’t have to visit the office to pick up her mail. Finally, her License Location would be the address of the ACME Builders’ local office where she works.  If Jane Doe worked independently, she might have only one address on file (Main Address) as her office is the same place she wishes to receive her mail.

Can I change all license addresses online?

The main address and license mailing address can be changed online for all license types. License location addresses can also be changed online, except for Barbershops, Cosmetology Salons, Veterinary Establishments, and Talent Agencies. The location for these license types is tied to the license, so a location change will require submission of a new application.

How can I change my address if I do not have a computer?

You may submit the change in writing or by fax to:
Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Central Intake Unit – License Maintenance
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783
Fax: 850.488.8040

When I sign a contract with a talent agency, do I receive a copy of the contract?

A talent agency is required to provide a copy of the contract to an artist within 24 hours of executing the document between the agency and the artist.

Is there a time period that I am allowed to cancel a contract with an agency?

Talent agencies are now required to provide written notice to artists they have a right to rescind contracts within the first 3 business days of the contract’s execution.

Can a talent agency assign an engagement contract to another licensed agency?

Talent agencies cannot assign an engagement contract to another licensed agency in the state without the artists’ written consent. Any assignment of a contract approved by the artist requires a written notification to the artist within 30 days after the artist’s written consent.

Can a talent agency divide fees without consent of the artist?

A talent agency cannot divide fees among other individuals without the artist’s written consent. Divided fees include fees charged to an artist for services performed on behalf of the artist.

Are talent agencies required to maintain records on their artists?

Records of artists held by talent agencies are required to be readily available to the department for inspection at the agency’s principle office during reasonable business hours. Additionally, true copies of the records must be provided in a manner prescribed by the department.

Can my talent agency assign my contract to another licensed agency?

Talent agencies can assign an engagement contract to another licensed agency in the state only with the artists’ written consent. The artist must receive written notice of the assignment within 30 days after the artist agrees in writing to the assignment.

How may I obtain assistance on completing my application?

If you have any questions or need assistance completing the application, please contact the department’s Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395.

Where do I mail my application?

Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Central Intake Unit
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0783

What are the required fees for talent agency licensure applications?
  • Application – $300.00
  • Licensure – $400.00 ($200 if the license is issued after May 31st of an odd numbered year)
  • Unlicensed activity – $5.00
  • Criminal history records check – varies by vendor

You may make an electronic payment by calling the Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395 or by submitting a check or money order payable to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

How can I find information about the fingerprint requirement?

To learn more about fingerprinting, please visit our Fingerprinting page.

How often do I renew my talent agency license?

Licenses expire May 31st every even year. In order to renew, the talent agency must submit both a renewal fee of $405, along with either a new $5,000 surety bond or proof of renewal of the $5,000 surety bond already on file with the department, with the bond to be effective for the total 2-year period of the renewal.

The department will send you a notification that the renewal period is open, at which time you can renew your license(s). This will be 90-120 days before the expiration. All notices will be provided electronically to the email address on record. We encourage you to keep your information up to date and renew online. DBPR online services offer a quick and easy way to renew your license, find license requirements, apply for a license and update a license.

Are there any continuing education requirements for talent agencies?

No, there are no requirements for continuing education as a talent agency.

I have a complaint about a talent agency. Whom do I contact?

Contact the department’s Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395 or file a complaint online at  > File a Complaint.

I have a complaint about an unlicensed talent agency. Whom do I contact?

Contact the department’s toll-free unlicensed activity complaint line at 1.866.532.1440 or file a complaint online at  > File a Complaint.

What are the requirements for displaying information in my establishment with regards to my talent agency license?

All talent agencies are required to post in a conspicuous place the laws and rules regulating talent agencies. The name of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation as the agency charged with enforcing the laws and rules must also be provided.

Need Help?

All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.

Division of Professions
Talent Agencies
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0791

Telephone: 850.487.1395
Facsimile: 850.488.8040