What are the functions of the Board of Pilot Commissioners?
The Board of Pilot Commissioners regulates pilots and deputy pilots.
What are the statutes and rules that govern Pilot Commissioners?
Chapter 310, of the Florida Statutes and Rule 61G14, of the Florida Administrative Code.
Where can I obtain the laws and rules of the Board?
The laws and rules may be obtained on the Board’s website, Statutes and Rules. If you need further assistance, you may call the Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395.
When and where is the next board meeting?
The dates and locations of board meetings are available on the main page, Board Meeting Information.
Where can I obtain a copy of the board meeting agenda or past minutes?
The agenda and board meeting minutes are available on the main page, Board Meeting Information.
What are the requirements for licensure as a state pilot?
To qualify to take the state pilot examination an individual must meet certain basic criteria:
- Be at least 21 years of age.
- Have successfully completed 12 years of formal education.
- Must pass a complete physical examination, including a drug test, within the preceding six months. To maintain eligibility as a licensed state pilot, each licensed state pilot must annually provide documentary proof of having satisfactorily passed a complete physical examination administered by a licensed physician.
- Have at least two years of service as a deputy pilot in the port in which licensure is desired during the period immediately preceding the licensure examination.
- At the time of application, each applicant must have a valid United States Coast Guard first-class unlimited pilot’s license, covering all of the waters of the port in which licensure is desired and must have successfully completed the board-approved deputy pilot training program in the port in which licensure is desired.
Please refer to Chapter 310, Florida Statutes, for a complete list of requirements.
What are the requirements for licensure as a deputy pilot?
To take the deputy pilot’s examination an individual must meet certain basic criteria:
- Be at least 21 years of age.
- Have successfully completed 12 years of formal education.
- Must pass a complete physical examination, including a drug test, within the preceding 6 months.
- Have maritime experience satisfactory to the board prior to taking the examination as evidenced by documentation of maritime service while holding a United States Coast Guard license.
The initial certificate issued to a deputy pilot shall be valid for a period of 12 months and at the end of this period, the certificate shall automatically expire and shall not be renewed. Upon receipt of a favorable recommendation by the board, the department shall issue a certificate to the deputy pilot, which shall be valid for a period of two years. The certificate may be renewed only two times, except in the case of a fully licensed pilot who is cross- licensed as a deputy pilot in another port.
Please refer to Chapter 310, Florida Statutes, for a complete list of requirements.
I am interested in the next pilot examination. Can you tell me when the examination is given?
Examinations are generally given in March of each year if a port has declared an opening. The application deadline is generally in December. If a port declares an emergency, the examination can be administered at other times during the year. This information will be updated on the Board’s main page, Hot Topics/Important Information.
Do you know what ports are open? When will they be announced?
Information regarding openings will be available on the Board’s main page, Hot Topics/Important Information. The port openings are announced in September or October of each year.
If I am at sea at the time of the application deadline, can I still apply and have someone else complete the application for me?
No, you must complete the application yourself and have your physical prior to the deadline. You may submit your application prior to the deadline if you anticipate being at sea.
What is the fee for examination?
The fee for the examination is $200, which is non-refundable.
What is the licensure process to become a pilot?
- A port declares a vacancy for deputy pilot.
- An applicant for licensure must submit an application, appropriate fees and required documentation.
- When the application is complete, it is reviewed by the Board for approval to take the examination.
- The applicant successfully completes the examination.
- The Secretary of the Department awards the position to one of the top five candidates.
- After successful completion of the deputy pilot program, a deputy pilot can apply for the State pilot examination.
What are common reasons for an applicant to be denied a license?
- Failure to provide proof of required training and experience.
- Prior disciplinary or criminal history.
Can I make application at any time?
No, applications are only accepted when there has been a declared opening.
Can I change my address online?
Yes. Visit our website at www.MyFloridaLicense.com > Online Services. You can also change your telephone number and email address here.
Your website provides for "main", "mailing", and "location" addresses. What are the differences?
Three types of addresses have been established to support your needs: main, license mailing, and license location.
- Main Address – This address is the primary address on file.
- License Mailing Address – This is the address where the mail associated with a particular license will be sent (if different from the main or license location addresses).
- License Location Address – This is the address where the place of business is physically located.
An example of the use of different addresses: If Jane Doe is a contractor that works for ACME Builders, she may have 3 different addresses listed in her profile. Her main address would be the address of ACME Builders’ corporate headquarters. Her license mailing may be her home so she doesn’t have to visit the office to pick up her mail. Finally, her License Location would be the address of the ACME Builders’ local office where she works. If Jane Doe worked independently, she might have only one address on file (Main Address) as her office is the same place she wishes to receive her mail.
Can I change all license addresses online?
The main address and license mailing address can be changed online for all license types. License location addresses can also be changed online except for barbershops, cosmetology salons, veterinary establishments, and talent agencies. The location for these license types is tied to the license so a location change will require submission of a new application.
How can I change my address if I do not have a computer?
You may submit the change in writing or by fax to:
Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Central Intake Unit – License Maintenance
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783
Fax: 850.488.8040
How can I obtain assistance on completing my application?
If you have any questions or need assistance completing your application, please contact the board office at 850.717.1982.
Where do I mail my application?
Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Board of Pilot Commissioners
PO Box 5377
Tallahassee, FL 32314-5377
Do I have to renew my state pilots’ license?
Yes, if you are an active pilot you must renew your license.
The department will send you a notification that the renewal period is open, at which time you can renew your license(s). This will be 90-120 days before the expiration. All notices will be provided electronically to the email address on record. We encourage you to keep your information up to date and renew online. DBPR online services offer a quick and easy way to renew your license, find license requirements, apply for a license and update a license.
What is the fee to renew my pilot license?
The fee to renew a deputy pilot license is $100; the fee to renew a state pilot license is $200.
What does it mean if a license is delinquent?
A delinquent license means a licensee did not pay the biennial renewal fee. A licensee should not practice on a delinquent license and may be subject to disciplinary action for doing so.
If I am already enrolled in a random drug-testing program, do I still need to provide an actual drug test?
No, however you will need to provide documentation that you are in the program.
How often do I need to submit proof of having completed a physical examination, and where do I submit it?
Each licensed state pilot and certified deputy pilot is required, on an annual basis, to provide documentary proof of having satisfactorily passed a complete physical examination by a licensed physician. Proof of completing the physical can be mailed to the board office directly at:
Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Board of Pilot Commissioners
PO Box 5377
Tallahassee, FL 32314-5377
Additional requirements regarding the physical can be found under Rule 61G14-20.001, Florida Administrative Code.
How does a license holder become inactive?
There are no provisions for an inactive license.
If a license has become null and void, what is required to become licensed again?
You must go through the testing process for a port that has a declared opening and be the selected applicant.
What are the continuing education requirements to renew my license?
You must successfully complete, within five years of the date of renewal, a board-approved course in professional skills, including certification in the proper and efficient use of radar.
I have a complaint about a state or deputy pilot. Whom do I contact?
Contact the department’s Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395 or file a complaint online at www.MyFloridaLicense.com > File a Complaint.
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Need Help?
All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.
Division of Professions
Board of Pilot Commissioners
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0791
Telephone: 850.487.1395
Facsimile: 850.488.8040