- What authority does the Division operate under?
- What type of complaint issues does the Division of Hotels and Restaurants have authority over in nontransient apartments?
- What type of complaint issues does the division have authority over in transient public lodging establishments?
- What type of complaint issues does the division have authority over in public food service establishments?
- How do I report a complaint?
- How do I report that the elevator has problems or has broken down?
- Whom do I contact about complaints or other issues concerning elevators in Florida?
- Will my food service, lodging, or elevator complaint be confidential?
- Do I have to provide my name, address, phone number, or email address when I file a complaint against a food service, lodging, or elevator?
- Who may perform initial and alteration inspections?
- Who may perform routine elevator and other conveyance inspections?
- How can I get my elevator inspected?
- Who is responsible for hiring a certified elevator inspector to conduct an elevator inspection?
- May an elevator company arrange for inspection of an existing elevator?
- May a certificate of competency holder perform routine inspections?
- Must a certificate of competency holder be present for the inspection?
- What is an elevator Order to Correct?
- How long does the elevator owner have to correct a violation cited during an inspection?
- What is a “call back” elevator inspection?
- How can I unseal, or reactivate, my sealed elevator?
- Where can I find information to ensure I have a current inspection on file for my certificate of operation (license)?
- Where can I view the results of an elevator inspection?
- How do I report that the elevator has problems or has broken down?
- Does an inspection report for a periodic test, with no type of inspection marked, qualify to renew a certificate of operation license?
- What type of elevator inspection qualifies for a certificate of operation license?
Certificate of Operation Application and Renewal
- How do I obtain a temporary certificate of operation for my elevator?
- How long is a temporary certificate of operation valid?
- How do I renew my certificate of operation (license) for my elevator?
- How can I get a duplicate certificate of operation or duplicate renewal notice for my certificate of operation (license) for my elevator?
- How do I renew an expired certificate of operation (license) for my elevator?
- Where can I find information to ensure I have a current inspection on file for my certificate of operation (license)?
- How can I correct the business or mailing address on my certificate of operation (license)?
- How can I correct my certificate of operation license physical location address?
- How do I report that the certificate of operation (license) is expired in my building’s elevator?
- Can I get a report that lists the elevators in an area?
Change of Owner
- How do I apply for a change of owner for my elevator certificate of operation (license)?
- Will I receive a new elevator certificate of operation (license) after I apply for a change of owner?
- How long do I have to apply for a change of owner for my certificate of operation (license) after I assume responsibility for the elevator?
- What does it cost to apply for a change of owner for my elevator certificate of operation (license)?
Fees and Payments
- How much does an elevator certificate of operation cost?
- Where do I send payment for my elevator certificate of operation?
- Do I have to pay a late fee for my certificate of operation (license) for my elevator, if I am delinquent?
- Why am I unable to pay my elevator certificate fees online again this year?
General Information
- How do I get an answer to my questions about the Elevator Codes?
- What are the fire safety requirements for Elevators?
- What are the requirements for two-way communication in an elevator?
Fire Fighter Service Phase II Exemption
- Do all elevators qualify for the Fire Fighter Service Phase II exemption?
- Who will determine if my elevator(s) qualify for the Fire Fighter Service Phase II exemption?
- My elevator was cited for not complying with the Fire Fighter Service requirements on my last inspection. Do I have to install Fire Fighter Service?
- Will the Bureau of Elevator Safety automatically remove a Fire Fighter Service Phase II violation from my record?
- Does Chapter 399.02(9), F.S., exempt any ASME A17.3 elevator code requirements other than Fire Fighter Service Phase II?
- If I have a temporary variance for other violations and Fire Fighter Service Phase II, do I need to correct the other violations before the variance expires?
- Does the Fire Fighter Service Phase II exemption prevent me from applying for a variance for other ASME A17.3 elevator violations?
- What do I do if my elevator inspector cited my elevator for a Fire Fighter Service Phase II violation even though my elevator is in an apartment or condominium and should be exempt?
- Can I still install Fire Fighter Service Phase II even though my elevator qualifies for the exemption?
- Do I have to install Fire Fighter Service Phase II in my elevator(s) if I have to upgrade my elevator(s)?
Elevator Variances and Waivers
- Where do I find information on how to request a variance?
- What is an elevator variance?
- Who prepares an elevator variance request?
- When will the Bureau of Elevator Safety grant an elevator variance?
- How do I submit a request for an elevator variance?
- How much time does the Bureau of Elevator Safety have to grant or deny an elevator variance request?
- What is an elevator service maintenance contract?
- Am I required to have an elevator service maintenance contract?
- What is the elevator two-stop exemption?
- How do I claim the elevator two-stop exemption?
- How do I annually verify my service maintenance contract for the elevator two-stop exemption?
- Do I have to verify I have a service maintenance contract if I do not claim or do not qualify for the two-stop exemption?
- Do I have to claim the elevator two-stop exemption if I have a service maintenance contract?
- What are the requirements for taking the certificate of competency exam to qualify for an elevator certificate of competency?
- Who determines if I am qualified to take the certificate of competency examination for an elevator certificate of competency?
- Which examination must I take to become a certified elevator technician?
- Which exam must I take in order to become a certified elevator inspector?
- If I fail the elevator certificate of competency exam, can I retake the exam?
- How can I get information for the certificate of competency?
- How do I apply for an elevator certificate of competency or certified elevator technician license?
- How do I apply for a certified elevator inspector license?
- What does the bureau accept as proof of four years work experience and qualifying education or training for an elevator certificate of competency application?
- What is the difference between a certificate of competency and a certified elevator technician license?
- Can a licensed mechanical engineer be granted a certificate of competency?
- Can the division authorize a licensed mechanical engineer to be a certified elevator inspector?
- Is current employer information required with the application for a certified elevator technician or certified elevator inspector license?
- Why do certified elevator technicians and certified elevator inspectors have to buy or be covered by liability insurance?
- Can I work on an elevator before I receive my certificate of competency?
- Once I receive my elevator professional license, where in Florida can I take the required annual continuing education classes?
- When do I need to renew my elevator professional license?
- Do I have to pay a late fee if I do not renew my elevator professional license by January 1?
- How do I obtain a duplicate renewal notice for my elevator professional license?
- My certificate of competency shows as null and void. What happened and how do I renew it?
- Can an elevator professional license be suspended or revoked?
Elevator Companies
- How do I obtain a registered elevator company license?
- Is there a fee to obtain a registered elevator company license?
- Will each elevator company branch office receive a license?
- When does a registered elevator company license expire?
- Do I have to renew each elevator company branch office registration each year?
- Is there a late fee if I do not renew my registered elevator company license by January 1?
General Information
- Can I work as a certified elevator technician or certified elevator inspector for more than one registered elevator company at the same time?
- Must a certificate of competency holder be physically present in order to supervise an elevator helper?
- Is there a limit to the number of elevator helpers a certificate of competency holder can supervise?
- Can I bring in help from out of state in times of special need and get them authorized to work in Florida?
- Must a custom cab manufacturer working as a subcontractor have a certificate of competency holder supervise the work?
- Is an elevator inspector bound by professional ethics, code of conduct or conflict of interest requirements while performing inspection duties?
- Is a certified elevator inspector (CEI) responsible for reporting a conveyance not in compliance with the code even if the CEI is not working on the particular conveyance?
- Who can appeal a Final Order issued by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
- How do I appeal a Final Order issued by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
- Which court is the appropriate court for filing an appeal to a Final Order issued by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
- When can I appeal a Final Order issued by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
- How much does it cost to file an appeal for a Final Order issued by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants?
Quick Links
Need Help?
All requests for public records, complaints, forms, and applications for licenses can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395.
Steven von Bodungen, Director
Division of Hotels and Restaurants
Bureau of Elevator Safety
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1013