Construction Industry - Business Information

The Construction Industry Licensing Board licenses individuals as contractors to perform construction work pursuant to Chapter 489, Florida Statutes.  In order to do business as a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or any business entity other than a sole proprietorship, the contractor must be approved to qualify that business entity.  The name of the approved business entity will appear on the contractor’s individual license.  If the contractor is operating as an individual without a business name, the word “INDIVIDUAL” will appear on the contractor’s license.

Each construction business must be qualified by a properly licensed individual contractor in order to engage in construction activities in Florida.  To verify that a contractor is licensed, you will need to know their license number, the contractor’s name or the name of the business entity.

To search by license number:

  • Visit
  • Click on “Verify a License”
  • Select “Search by License Number” and click “Search”
  • Enter the license number and click “Search”
  • A list of licenses that match or are similar to the number you entered will be displayed.  Click on each record to view the name of the licensee as well as the business name associated with that individual license.

To search using the contractor’s individual name:

  • Visit
  • Click on “Verify a License”
  • Select “Search by Name” and click “Search”
  • Enter the contractor’s first and last names and click “Search”
  • A list of licenses that match the individual name that you entered will be displayed.  Click on each record to view the business name associated with that individual license.

To search using the name of the business:

  • Visit
  • Click on “Verify a License”
  • Select “Search by Name” and click “Search”
  • Enter the name of the business in the line labeled “Organization/Establishment Name” and click “Search”
  • A list of licenses that match the business name you entered will be displayed.  This list will include the individual contractors that qualify the business entity you are verifying.  You should then repeat these steps to perform a license verification check using the contractor’s individual name to ensure that the contractor properly qualifies the business entity.  Click on each record to view the name of the licensee as well as the business name associated with that individual license.

Some construction work in Florida (such as cabinets, countertops, flooring, paint, wallpaper and window treatments, to name a few) may not require a state license.  These types of contractors may be licensed through a local building department.  You should contact your local building department to verify licensure for these types of contractors.

For more searching tips, visit our License Search Help page.

Need Help?

All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.

Division of Professions
Construction Industry Licensing Board
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0791

Telephone: 850.487.1395
Facsimile: 850.488.8040