Posting Requirements

Employers who hire minors must display a poster in a conspicuous place on the property or place of employment notifying them of the Child Labor Law. Child labor posters may be obtained through this website by accessing by calling Child Labor Compliance at 1.800.226.2536. Other Florida and Federal posting requirements can be obtained through the Agency for Workforce Innovation at

Documentation Requirements

Employers are required to keep waiver authorizations, proof of age documentation, and proof of exemption from minor status for all employees who are under 18. These records must be maintained for the duration of the minor’s employment. Unless exempt from the FLSA, the records must be kept until the minor turns 19.

Parental Permission To Hire

Employers are not required by law to have permission from the parents to employ their minor child. However, we strongly encourage employers to include parents in the process.

Work Permits

“Work Permits” and/or “Working Papers” are not required in Florida and are not issued by either the schools or any governmental agency in Florida. Please see Waivers.

Hour Limitations

There are both state and federal child labor laws regulating the hour limitations of minors. Employers must observe the stricter provisions when the laws are different. The application of the stricter portion of both federal and state law is provided below.

Minors 14 and 15:
When public school is in session, minors may work a maximum of 3 hours per day on school days and up to 8 hours per day on Saturday, 8 hours on Sunday and 8 hours on non-school days, when a school day does not follow. Remember these daily times are options as this age group is able to work only 15 hours per week (seven day period). They may work between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. but may not work during public school hours.

When school is not in session, June 1st through Labor Day, 14 and 15-year-old minors may work up to 8 hours each day and 40 hours per week between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 p.m.

Minors 16 and 17:
When public school is in session, minors 16 & 17 may not work before 6:30 a.m. or after 11 p.m. or for more than 8 hours per day, when school is scheduled the following day, nor during the hours that school is in session. These hour limitations do not apply on non-school days when a school day does not follow, during non-school weeks, and during summer vacation.
When school does not follow the next day, such as Friday, Saturday, and other days that precede Sunday and a holiday, minors 16 and 17 may work until their shift is completed. Example: A minor begins work on Saturday at 6:00 p.m. and the shift ends at 1:00 a.m. Sunday morning. This is not considered a violation of the regulation that minors may not work before 6:30 a.m. when school is scheduled the following day, because the minor is completing his Saturday shift, and not beginning a work shift before 6:30 a.m. on Sunday.

These teens may work no more than 30 hours per week when school is in session. However, during the Summer vacation and non-school weeks they may work unlimited hours.

Minors are NOT permitted to work during normal school hours unless they are enrolled in a school-to-work experience program, career education or other program declared exempt by the state, or have received a partial waiver.

Breaks: Minors 15 yrs. and under are not permitted to work more than four hours without a 30-minute, uninterrupted meal break. Minors 16/17yrs., If scheduled to work 8 or more hours in any one day may not work for more than 4 hours continuously without an interval of at least 30 minutes for a meal period. This applies throughout the year.

Days: Minors 15 yrs. and younger are not permitted to work more than six consecutive days in one week. This applies throughout the year.

Exemptions: Minors are exempt from the hour limitations of the Child Labor Law if they have been married, enrolled in a home education program or an approved virtual instruction program in which the minor is separated from the teacher by time only, graduated from an accredited high school, or holds a high school equivalency diploma, has served in the military, has been authorized by a court order, or has been issued a partial waiver by the public school or the Child Labor Program.

Prohibited Occupations


The Florida Child Labor Law, the Florida Rule, and the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) identify many jobs as dangerous to the health and safety of minors. Minors are not permitted to work in these occupations. No minor under 18 years of age, whether such person’s disabilities of non-age have been removed, shall be employed or permitted to work in the hazardous occupations listed below.

The rules governing hazardous equipment are divided into two groups: one for minors aged 14 and 15 and another for all minors. For an extensive survey of these occupations, you may review the Florida Child Labor Law, Section 450.061, Florida Statutes, and the Florida Child Labor Rule 61L-2, Florida Administrative Code. You may also access the Federal Child Labor Hazards listings through the federal web site links. The hazardous occupations are listed below:

Occupations Prohibited for All Minors

• Working in occupations involving explosives or radioactive materials

• Manufacturing brick, tile and like products

• Logging or sawmilling

• Slaughtering, meat packing, processing or rendering of meat

• Mining occupations

• Working on any scaffolding, roofs or ladders above six feet

• Operating power-driven bakery, metal-forming, woodworking, paper product or hoisting machines

• Wrecking, demolition or excavation

• Operating power-driven meat and vegetable slicing machines

• Operating motor vehicles as drivers or delivery drivers, and serving as outside helpers

• Operating circular saws, band saws and guillotine shears

• **Working with electrical apparatus and wiring

• **Working with compressed gases: minors are not allowed to dispense, transport, service, modify, or alter tanks, cylinders, or other equipment used for storing any inert or compound gas, including air, which has been compressed to a pressure that exceeds 40 pounds per square inch (p.s.i.), except that minors who are sixteen (16) years of age or older may fill balloons, and bicycle or car tires (but not truck or heavy

equipment), if given proper instruction and the tank or cylinder containing the compressed gas is fixed and secure

• **Working in occupations involving toxic substances or corrosives, including pesticides or herbicides, unless proper field entry time allowances have been followed.

• **Firefighting

• **Operating or assisting to operate tractors over 20 PTO horsepower, forklifts,

earthmoving equipment, and harvesting, planting, or plowing machinery or any moving machinery

(**) annotates Florida law only

Additional Occupations Prohibited for Minors Aged 14 and 15

• Operating or assisting to operate power-driven machinery, including all power mowers and cutters

• Maintaining or repairing an establishment, machinery or equipment

• Working in freezers or meat coolers

• Operating power driven meat or vegetable slicing machines

• Operating motor vehicles, except for scooters, and in some cases, farm


• Manufacturing, mining, or processing occupations, including occupations requiring duties to be performed in workrooms or workplaces where goods are manufactured, mined or processed

• Cooking (some exceptions apply) and baking, to include bakery machinery

• Working in all occupations in transportation, warehousing and storage, communications, construction (except clerical), boiler or engine rooms

• Loading and unloading trucks, railroad cars or conveyors

• Working for public messenger services

• Occupations which involve operating, setting up, adjusting, cleaning, oiling, or repairing power-driven food slicing machines and grinders, food choppers and cutters, and bakery-type mixers

• **Handling certain dangerous animals

• **Spray painting

• **Conducting door-to-door sales, except for some non-profit organizations such as the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, and under close supervision by an adult

(**)Annotates Florida Law Only


Additional websites of interest pertaining to Child Labor.

The United States Department of Labor (U.S. D.O.L.), Division of Wage and Hour, offers assistance to employers and employees with information on understanding the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Federal Child Labor Regulations: Title 29, Part 570 , offers federal limitations for all youth employment.

Federal Child Labor Hazards for 16-18 yr. olds; CFR 29,Chapter V, Part 570, Subpart E , federal hazardous limitations for 16-17 year olds.

Federal Child Labor Employment Hazards for 14-15 yr. olds; CFR 29, Chapter V, Part 570, Subpart C offers federal limitations for 14-15 year olds.


Prohibitions for Driving Automobiles and Trucks

No employee under 17 years of age may drive on public roadways as part of his or her job if that employment is subject to the FLSA.

Federal law prohibits driving as an occupation for minors under age 17. Seventeen-year-olds may engage in “incidental and occasional” driving which is interpreted as a maximum of one third of the work time in any work day and no more than 20 percent of the work time in any work week. Delivery jobs and service calls that require driving to customers’ homes are prohibited. Driving is the leading cause of occupational injury and death for workers of all ages. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), motor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of occupational deaths among 16 and 17-year-old workers. Motorized equipment (such as forklifts, loaders, and road-pavers) is another leading cause of work-related injury death for 16- and 17-year-olds according to NIOSH. Minors under the age of 18 are prohibited from operating these machines.

Seventeen-year-olds may drive on public roadways as part of their employment, but ONLY if all of the following requirements are met:

• The driving is limited to daylight hours;

• The 17-year-old holds a State license valid for the type of driving involved in the job performed;

• The 17-year-old has successfully completed a State approved driver education course and has no record of any moving violation at the time of hire;

• The automobile or truck is equipped with a seat belt for the driver and any passengers and the employer has instructed the youth that the seat belts must be used when driving the vehicle; and

• The automobile or truck does not exceed 6,000 pounds gross vehicle weight.

The driving may not involve:

• Towing vehicles;

• Route deliveries or route sales;

• Transportation for hire of property, goods or passengers;

• Urgent, time-sensitive deliveries;

• Transporting more than three passengers, including employees of the employer;

• Driving beyond a 30 mile radius from the youth’s place of employment;

• More than two trips away from the primary place of employment in any single day to deliver the employer’s goods to a customer;

• More than two trips away from the primary place of employment in any single day to transport passengers, other than employees of the employer; and driving is only occasional and incidental to the 17-year-old’s employment. This means that the youth may spend no more than one-third of the work time in any workday and no more than 20 percent of the work time in any workweek driving.

The above requirements apply whether the youth is driving a personal or employer-owned vehicle. Employers can guard against unwitting violations of the requirements by securing documentation from 17-year-old employees who drive as part of their job. Such documentation would include evidence of the employee’s age, completion of a driver education course, clean driving record and appropriate State driver’s license.


Each year minors suffer injuries in the workplace. For information that could help reduce injuries, please review our site at Safety Information and visit additional safety sites for more information.

Partial Waivers

The Florida Child Labor Law is designed to serve and protect minors and to encourage them to remain in school. At times, however, some minors feel that the law conflicts with their best interest or that their life circumstances are such that they need to work. Minors have the right to request that the Child Labor Office exempt them from parts of the Child Labor Law. For detailed information on waivers please access Waivers.

For a copy of the Partial Waiver Application and instructions, go to the top of the page and key on “APPLY FOR A LICENSE”.  Double click the “Check here to” box.  This will take you to the Application Center and the Child Labor applications.

Suggestions to Employers Regarding the Waiver Process

Employers can be instrumental in assisting minors in applying for partial waivers of Child Labor Law by following these suggestions:

•Have the application on hand, download the application, or call 800.226.2536 (interstate) or 850.488.3131 for a mailed copy.  You can make as many copies of the application as you like.

• You can assist the minor in completing the application and determining what supportive documentation is necessary. The required supportive documentation is on the instruction sheet (second page).

• You can fax the completed application and the appropriate supportive documentation to this office. Our fax number is 850.487.4928. We can return the completed waiver to you by fax, if you annotate the request on the fax and provide us with the fax number on your cover sheet.

The waiver must be approved before the minor can work the hours authorized by the waiver. Please ensure that the minor receives a copy, as it is his/her waiver. Waivers are valid for either one year or until the minor turns eighteen, whichever comes first. You are also required to keep a copy of the minor’s waiver in your file.


Employment of minors in violation of Florida child labor laws may result in fines up to $2,500 per offense and/or be guilty of a second-degree misdemeanor.


Employers who have an interest in learning more about Florida’s child labor law may request training by contacting the Bureau of Child Labor at 1.800.226.2536.

Self-Assessment Guide

A self-assessment instrument that allows you to evaluate your compliance efforts with the child labor law and an action plan with self-help corrective measures to bring you into compliance. Please access Employer_Self_Assessment Guide.

Work Permits

“Work Permits” and/or “Working Papers” are not required in Florida and are not issued by either schools or a governmental agency in Florida. Unfortunately, many popular teen employers use applications with the request “If you are under 18, can you supply a Work Permit?” These applications are being used for businesses that have operations in other states that do require Work Permits. The question is not applicable in Florida.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)   —  These are the most frequently asked questions by teachers.


Schools who have an interest in learning more about Florida’s Child Labor Law may request training by contacting the Child Labor Program at 1.800.226.2536.

Work Site Agreements

Teachers involved in preparing “Work Site Agreements” for any of the cooperative education methodologies recognized through the Florida Department of Education, should access this site. The Florida Department of Education Cooperative Education Manual “STEPS”  provides SAMPLE work site agreements. Each district has local policies that determine the forms they should use. The samples can be redesigned and/or used as appropriate for the district or program.

Tips For Teachers

Know the federal and state child labor laws.
Discuss health hazards in the workplace and students’ rights and responsibilities as workers.
Ensure that school-based work experience programs provide safe and healthful environments.

Waivers of the Law

Minors not working in the entertainment industry may apply for waivers through two methods, as detailed below.

Minors Enrolled in High School (K-12)

When minors are enrolled in the public high school system (K-12), either the minor’s public school superintendent or his/her designee has responsibility for issuing partial waivers. Schools have the authority to waive Florida Child Labor Laws only when it is in the best interest of the minor, but do not have authority to waive Federal law. Please note that employers are required to provide “Waivers” of the law to Child Labor enforcement staff during routine investigations to justify the minor working outside the normal work hour limitations.   The waiver itself may take several suggested formats:

The district “Work-site Agreement” is the most popular. It should outline the hours the minor will be at the work site, total hours of work and other work stipulations. It should be specific enough to clearly define the Child Labor Laws that are being waived, i.e. working during normal school hours (minor works from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.); more than 30 hours per week (minor approved to work up to 40 hour work weeks); or, working past 11 p.m. (minor may work until 11:30 p.m.).Note: All students in an approved work-site relationship, where work-based learning is conducted at an employer’s work-site, should have a “Work-site Agreement”.
A letter from a school official on school letterhead that clearly defines those Florida Child Labor Laws that are being waived, i.e. working during normal school hours (minor works from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.); more than 30 hours per week (minor approved to work up to 40 hour work weeks); or, working past 11 p.m. (minor may work until 11:30 p.m.).Note: This is most often used for students who are NOT ENROLLED in work-site learning experiences. It is recommended that schools establish criteria for approval that would include the following student information: (1) Grades; (2) Attendance; (3) Financial Hardship; (4) Medical Hardship; or (5) Court Orders.Example: A senior student, who has only two classes in the morning and is released from school at 10:30 am, would like to begin work at 11:00 am. Based on the criteria above, the minor may be issued a waiver.
Districts may create their own standardized form (Waiver Application) using established criteria as outlined in Rule 61L-2.007(3), Florida Administrative Code: School Status; Financial Hardship; Medical Hardship; Other Hardship; or Court Order. These forms should clearly define those Florida Child Labor Laws that are being waived, i.e. working during normal school hours (minor works from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.); more than 30 hours per week (minor approved to work as many as 40 hour work weeks); working past 11 p.m. (minor may work until 11:30 p.m.) etc., and be in the best interest of the minor.Note: In lieu of a letter, Districts may develop a standardized form that depicts the criteria used for approval and clearly defines the law to be waived.

Minors Not Enrolled in High School (K-12)

For minors who are no longer enrolled in the public high school system of K-12 programs, they are required to submit an “Application for Waiver of the Florida Child Labor Law,” form FCL-1002 and supporting documentation to the Child Labor Program for approval. Minors who fall under this category include minors enrolled in home school; attending Adult-Ed or GED classes; private school; expelled students; and, dropouts who have a financial, medical or other hardship. Additional information on obtaining a waiver and/or forms may be obtained by going to the top of the page and keying on “APPLY FOR A LICENSE”.  Double click the “Check here to” box.  This will take you to the Application Center and the Child Labor applications.   Partial waivers are granted on a case-by-case basis, which means that each application is judged on its own merits. In order to qualify for a waiver, applicants must demonstrate that sections of the Child Labor Law need to be waived because of financial hardship, medical reasons, school status, or a court order. Only when it clearly appears to be in the best interest of the minor, will the waiver be approved.

Student Learner Exemptions

Both federal and state law allow the employment of minors aged 16 and 17 in the hazardous occupations listed below, when they are enrolled in approved, state or local training programs as outlined in Section 450.161, Florida Statutes.

In the operation of power-driven woodworking machines. H.O. 5; 29 CFR, Part 570.55.
In the operation of power-driven metal forming, punching, or shearing machines. H.O. 8; 29 CFR, Part 570.59.
Slaughtering, meat packing, processing, or rendering, except as provided in 29 CFR, part 570.61c. H.O. 10.
In the operation of power-driven paper products and printing machines. H.O. 12; 29 CFR, part 570.63.
Working on any scaffolding, roofs, or ladders above six feet. H.O. 16; 29 CFR, Part 570.67.
Excavation operations which include the operation of trenchers and earthmoving equipment. H.O. 17; 29 CFR, Part 570.68.
Operating or assisting to operate, including starting, stopping, connecting or disconnecting, feeding, or any other activity involving physical contact associated with operating, tractors over 20 PTO horsepower, or any harvesting, planting, or plowing machinery.
**Working on electrical apparatus or wiring.
Fork Lift: (Only in an agricultural setting or with non-FLSA covered employers)

Note: The United States Department of Labor (USDOL) does not allow an exception for student learners in Hazardous Occupation #7, which covers the operation of power-driven hoisting apparatus in non-agricultural employment. Other equipment not permitted includes derricks, hoists and cranes. Employers may contact the USDOL at 1.866.487.2365 to verify they are covered under the FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act).

** Annotates Florida Law only

Such student learner exemptions shall apply when the following conditions are met:

The student is enrolled in a state recognized training program.
The student learner is employed under written agreement which provides:
That the work of the student in the occupation declared particularly hazardous shall be incidental to the training.
That the work shall be intermittent and for short periods of time and under the direct supervision of a qualified and experienced person.
That safety instruction shall be given by the school and correlated by the employer with the on-the-job training.
That a schedule of organized and progressive work processes to be performed on the job shall have been prepared.

Work Permits

“Work Permits” and/or “Working Papers” are not required in Florida and are not issued by either schools or a governmental agency in Florida. Unfortunately, many popular teen employers use applications with the request “If you are under 18, can you supply a Work Permit?” These applications are being used for businesses that have operations in other states that do require Work Permits. The question is not applicable in Florida.

Hour Limitations

Minors are limited in the hours they may work to permit them to attend and complete their educational responsibilities. Access for a summary of the work hour limitations for minors. Child Labor Hour Limitations


Minors are exempt from the hour limitations of the Child Labor Law if they have been married, enrolled in a home education program or an approved virtual instruction program in which the minor is separated from the teacher y time only, graduated from an accredited high school, or hold a high school equivalency diploma, served in the military, have been authorized by a court order, or been issued a partial waiver by the public school or the Child Labor Program.


Minors 15 yrs. and under are not permitted to work more than four hours without a 30-minute, uninterrupted meal break. Minors 16/17yrs., If scheduled to work 8 or more hours in any one day may not work for more than 4 hours continuously without an interval of at least 30 minutes for a meal period. This applies throughout the year.

Teen Jobs and Training

This site does not provide employment and training information. Please visit the Agency for Workforce Innovation site and their listing of One-Stop Centers providing employment and training services in your community.
The “Youth 2 Work” site offers tips on preparing for a job, locating a job and interviewing. You may also find information on youth careers, industry, safety and rules.

Tips for Parents

• Take an active role in the employment decisions of your teens. • Discuss the types of work involved, as well as the training and supervision provided by the employer. • Become knowledgeable about child labor laws.

Tips for Teens

• Know your rights to a safe and healthful workplace. • Learn to recognize hazards at work and speak up when you see them. • Participate in training programs at work or request training if none is offered. • Use safe work practices. • Learn where you can get information about child labor laws, health and safety, and your rights.

Prohibited Occupations

View Prohibited Occupations to see the types of occupations that are not permitted for youth.

Safety Information

Each year in the United States, about 70 teens die from work injuries and 70,000 get hurt badly enough that they go to a hospital emergency room.  View Safety Information to learn ways to reduce work place injuries and illnesses among youth.

Waivers of the Law

The Florida Child Labor Law is designed to serve and protect minors and to encourage them to remain in school. At times, however, some minors feel that the law conflicts with their best interest or that their life circumstances are such that they need to work. Minors have the right to request that the Child Labor Office exempt them from parts of the Child Labor Law. Minors not working in the entertainment industry, may apply for waivers through two methods, as described below. For a copy of the Partial Waiver Application and instructions, go to the top of the page and key on “APPLY FOR A LICENSE”, double-click the “Check here to” box. This will take you to the Application Center and the Child Labor applications.


When minors are enrolled in the public high school system (K-12), either the minor’s public school superintendent or his/her designee has responsibility for issuing partial waivers. Schools can waive the Florida Child Labor Laws only when it is in the best interest of the child, however schools cannot waive federal law. Quite often the responsibility of issuing waivers is delegated to either the school counselor or a teacher who assists students with work site learning programs. These are good contacts to find out about obtaining a waiver.


Minors not enrolled in (K-12) public schools, dropouts, students who are home schooled, in private school, enrolled in an alternative education program (GED), or have been expelled may apply for a partial waiver from the Child Labor Program. Partial waivers are approved on a case by case basis when in the best interest of the minor. At the end of this section, you can download a partial waiver application form. Minors must meet certain criteria to be considered for a partial waiver. The following supporting documentation must be submitted, based on the reason they are applying for the waiver: COURT ORDER: Documentation includes a copy of the court order that states that the minor must work and/or pay restitution. If working full time is a condition of probation and not written in a court order, a letter on letterhead from the parole officer must be submitted. FINANCIAL HARDSHIP: This requires that a notarized letter written by an adult family member or adult friend explaining the financial hardship or proof of current receipt of public assistance must be submitted. A minor must also submit a withdrawal from school which may be a letter, school withdrawal form, or a computer printout confirming the minor’s name, withdrawal code, and withdrawal date. OTHER HARDSHIP: The supporting documentation must include a letter on letterhead from a doctor, pastor, school counselor, or other professional familiar with the minor’s hardship, or a notarized statement from an adult explaining the circumstances or situation. This category is defined as a life circumstance other than a financial or medical hardship that would place a hardship on the minor if a waiver was not granted. The minor must also submit a withdrawal from school which may be a letter, school withdrawal form, or a computer printout confirming the minor’s name, withdrawal code, and withdrawal date. SCHOOL STATUS: This category refers to minors not in the public school system. The supporting documentation is as follows: • Private School requires a letter on school letterhead which states that the minor is enrolled and attending school, and that working additional hours will not jeopardize school progress. • Home School must include a withdrawal from school which may be a letter, school withdrawal form, computer printout showing name, withdrawal code, and withdrawal date, or an acknowledgement from the school system acknowledging your intent to establish a home school program. Additionally, the documentation must contain a notarized statement from the parent or guardian as to the days and hours the minor receives home school instruction. • Adult Education or GED Prep Classes waiver requests require a withdrawal from school which may be a letter on school letterhead, a school withdrawal form, or computer printout showing name, withdrawal code and withdrawal date. An authorization from the public school system permitting the minor to obtain education through alternative means is also acceptable. The minor must also submit a letter on letterhead from the adult education school that states the minor is enrolled, attending, and the hours of attendance. (Example: Monday through Friday, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) • Expulsion requirements for minors who are expelled from school include a copy of the expulsion letter from the school. The waiver will be for no more than the period of the expulsion, or one year, whichever occurs first. MEDICAL HARDSHIP: Supporting documents include a letter on letterhead from a doctor, pastor, school counselor, or other professional familiar with the minor’s medical hardship, or a notarized statement from an adult explaining the circumstances or situation. A minor must also submit a withdrawal from school, which may be a letter, school withdrawal form, or a computer printout showing the minor’s name, withdrawal code and withdrawal date.

All applications must be accompanied by proof of age such as a copy of a birth certificate, driver license, age certificate, Florida Identification or passport.

PLEASE DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Suggestions for completing FCL-1002: • Minors who have dropped out of school, must qualify based on a financial, medical or other hardship waiver. • The completed FCL-1002 and supporting documentation may be faxed to the Child Labor Program.

The entertainment industry has special rules to ensure that minors are not employed under conditions that are either injurious or detrimental to their health, safety or education.

Employers of minors in the entertainment industry are required to obtain a Permit to Hire prior to employing any minor in Florida. An application for a Permit to Hire shall be made by submitting to the division a completed Application for Permit to Hire, DBPR Form FCL 1001. For detailed information, please refer to the Child Labor Rule 61L-2.006, Florida Administrative Code: Employment of Minors by the Entertainment Industry.

Failure to complete any item in the application form after being requested to do so, or if the completed application form evidences work conditions that are hazardous or detrimental to the health, morals or education of the minor employee(s), shall be grounds to deny the application. Permits shall be limited in duration to the employer’s schedule of production, or tour within the state of Florida, not to exceed one year.

The Entertainment Rule establishes the working conditions and limitations for minors employed in the entertainment industry.

Need Help?

All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Child Labor Division. Business Hours are 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday thru Friday.

Jerry Wilson, Director
Division of Regulation

Sophia Terrelonge, Program Manager
Child Labor Program
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783

Telephone: 850.488.3131
Toll-Free Line: 800.226.2536
Facsimile: 850.487.4928