Prior to downloading any files from this site, please review our ReadMe/Disclaimer. The information provided below is a descriptive list of the column headers in the licensee download files. For more information about our codes, please review Understanding DBPR Codes.

Labor Organizations

Name Address City State Zip Phone Number Phone Number Ext County License Number Status License Expiration Date

Labor Organization Business Agents

Active, inactive and voluntarily inactive licensees. NULL & VOID, delinquent and involuntarily inactive records are not included in this download.

File Name Size-Updated
Labor Organizations
Labor Organization Business Agents

Need Help?

Jerry Wilson, Director
Division of Regulation

John E. Brown, Jr., Program Manager
Labor Organizations

2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783

Telephone: 850.488.3131
Facsimile: 850.488.0512