Charge for Copies of Mobile Home Prospectus

The Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares and Mobile Homes will be following the Department of Business and Professional Regulations public records request policies for getting copies of Mobile Home prospectuses. To request a copy of a Mobile Home Prospectus you can go to our website at or send us an email at

Minimum Fee

The Department’s minimum threshold for issuing an invoice to a requester of public records for the payment of copying, research, or postage fees is $5.00 or 30 minutes or more of time. If the total fee or amount of time does not reach this threshold, there is no charge to the requester.

Copying Fees

The following fees shall be charged for providing copies of public records. All fees are authorized by Ch. 119, F.S.:

  • Single-sided copies                  $0.15 per page
  • Certified Copies of Records       $1.00 per page
  • Copies produced by Microfiche  $0.62 per page*

This is the amount the Department has determined to be the ‘actual cost of duplication’ as allowed by s. 119.07(4)(a)3., F.S.

Research Fees

In cases where the $5.00 threshold is reached or more than 30 minutes of staff time is spent gathering, redacting or copying requested records, a fee shall be assessed at the gross hourly pay rate of the lowest paid employee who participated in responding to the request.


Whenever possible, documents will be transmitted electronically and there will be no postage charges incurred. If it is necessary to mail the records, fees for postage shall be added to each invoice.

The Number of Prospectuses

In order to determine the number of prospectuses in the park. You may determine this in several ways:

* Visit the Department’s portal and use the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Search for a license, permit or registration.
  3. Under Licensee Search, select a search type and click on Search.
  4. To search by park name, choose Search Organizations Only and enter first few words of park name. For Board, choose Mobile Homes. For License Type, choose Mobile Home Project. For Special Qualification, choose Prospectus Park.
    Click on Search.
  5. Under Search Results, click on the underlined, blue name of the park that appears.
  6. Under Licensee Details, at the bottom of the screen, you will see the prospectus information.

Need Help?

All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.

Chevonne Christian, Director
Division of Florida Condominiums,
Timeshares, and Mobile Homes

2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399

Telephone: 850.488.1122
Facsimile: 850.921.5446