DBPR Hurricane Guide

In the aftermath of a Hurricane, there are many questions that you may have and many situations you may encounter. These resources have been put together to help educate, inform and assist Floridians in the decisions they need to make concerning storm repairs and other storm related issues.

If you have questions or concerns, call us at 850-487-1395. You may also email us at https://www2.myfloridalicense.com/contact-us

Have you been approached by a contractor to begin work?

Click here to verify a license

Would you like to file a complaint against a licensed contractor?

Click here to file a complaint

Would you like to report unlicensed activity?

Click here to report unlicensed activity

Have you tried the DBPR mobile app?

iOS / Android

Hiring Unlicensed Contractors can be Disastrous

In the event of a natural disaster, remember that all repair work performed on your home or business should be completed by a licensed professional.

Contractors travel from out of state to a disaster area and take advantage of the large amount of repair work to be done. Remember that even if they are licensed in another state to perform construction services, they must also obtain a state license from DBPR to perform those services on your home or business. During a declared State of Emergency, the penalty for unlicensed construction activity becomes a third-degree felony. In addition, DBPR may dispatch teams to conduct door-to-door sweeps in conjunction with law enforcement, building departments and other state agencies.

Unlicensed activity occurs when a person who is not licensed by the state performs or offers to perform a job or service that requires licensure in one of the professions regulated by the Division of RegulationDivision of Real Estate and Division of Certified Public Accounting.

Steps to Prevent Becoming the Victim of an Unlicensed Activity Scam

1. Know what services require a state license.

Below are some examples of common storm-related services that may or may not require a state license from DBPR.

Common Storm-Related Services Requiring a License Common Storm-Related Services Not Requiring a License
Roof Repairs Trimming or Removing a Fallen Tree
New or Replacement Roof Removing Debris
Installing New Windows Placing a Tarp on a Roof
Plumbing Repairs DISCLAIMER: These lists are not intended to be comprehensive, and any additional or detailed questions should be directed to the Department by calling 850.487.1395. Consumers should check with their local building departments to determine if there are additional permitting and/or licensing requirements for their area. For additional licensure requirements related to construction, click here.
Electrical Repairs or Rewiring

2. Verify licenses before you hire or sign a contract.

Protect yourselves from unlicensed activity. Always verify the license online or call the Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395. DBPR also has a free smartphone app that enables consumers to search for state licenses by name or license number. Download the app on iTunes or the Google Play app store. Be wary of individuals who only produce an “occupational license,” or corporate filing. An “occupational license” only means that the person has paid a tax receipt to the local municipality.

3. Use your best judgment when signing a contract and making payments.

Do not pay cash in full before the work is completed and be cautious of writing checks made payable to individuals, especially when dealing with a company. Get everything in writing, including a detailed description of the work to be completed, a completion date and the total cost.

4. Report unlicensed activity.

Report unlicensed activity by calling the Department’s Unlicensed Activity Program at 1.866.532.1440, emailing ULA@myfloridalicense.com or by downloading the free DBPR Mobile app through iTunes or the Google Play app store.

Unlicensed Activity Resources

View helpful, printable resources regarding unlicensed activity by visiting http://myfloridalicense.com/printable-resources/.

Unlicensed Activity FAQs

Helpful Brochures:

Partnership Build on Trust

BBB Licensing Resource Page

BBB provides information and an easy-to-use checklist on how to find properly licensed  professionals, as well as resources to help businesses build trust in the marketplace.

Check for business profiles with Better Business Bureau at www.bbb.org/search
BBB Florida Hurricane Guide

This is a one-stop resource page to help Florida’s Consumers, Business and Non-Profits prepare for Hurricane season (June 1st – Nov 30th). It offers tips on Disaster Preparedness, Recovery and Repair, How to Avoid Storm Chaser Scams, additional Government Resources and tips on Giving Wisely to Disaster Relief Charities.