Are there any other names farm labor contractors are commonly called?

Yes. They are often referred to as: Contractors, Crew Leaders, Crew Bosses, Crew Chiefs, and FLCs.

What laws govern farm labor contracting?

Chapter 450, Part III, Florida Statutes; Chapter 61L‐1, Florida Administrative Code; 29 CFR Part 500: Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA).

Who must apply for a license?

Those that:

  • Are paid to furnish, employ, recruit, hire, transport, supervise, or pay farm workers.
  • Are paid by a third party (such as an owner or another FLC) to drive workers to and from work.
  • Recruit or transport farm workers from Florida to work in another state, or to transport workers from another state to work in Florida.
  • Hire other Farm Labor Contractors or their employees to work for them.
I am the signer for a company that holds a farm labor license; do I need my own individual farm labor license?

If you are physically in the field supervising, directing or driving the workers you will need to obtain an individual license in your own name.

I am a leasing company that only does payroll and provide worker’s compensation coverage; do I need a farm labor license?

Whether a leasing company needs a farm labor license is determined based upon the activities being performed. If you are performing any of the activities which define a Farm Labor Contractor you must obtain a license. Those activities include:

  • Being paid to furnish, employ, recruit, hire, transport, supervise, or pay farm workers.
  • Being paid by a third party (such as an owner or another FLC) to drive workers to and from work.
  • Recruiting or transporting farm workers from Florida to work in another state, or to transport workers from another state to work in Florida.
  • Hiring other Farm Labor Contractors or their employees to work for you.
What are the basic eligibility requirements?

In addition to submitting a completed application you also must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age;
  • Be a U.S. Citizen or legally authorized for employment in the U.S.;
  • Have no convictions of certain crimes within the last 5 years;
  • Have a valid Social Security Number;
  • Have a valid federal contractor or employee certificate of registration, or filed a federal renewal application at least thirty days prior to expiration;
  • Have taken and passed the Florida Farm Labor Contractor Test;
  • Pay a non‐refundable $125.00 Application Fee;
  • Have no outstanding state or federal fines unless an installment agreement has been approved; and
  • Have no delinquent Unemployment Compensation taxes or Internal Revenue Service employment or unemployment taxes unless an installment agreement has been approved.
What are the crimes that would cause me to be ineligible if I was convicted within the last five years?

Any crime relating to gambling, or to the sale, distribution or possession of alcoholic beverages, in connection with or incident to any farm labor contracting activities. Any felony involving robbery, bribery, extortion, embezzlement, grand larceny, burglary, arson, violation of narcotics laws, murder, rape, assault with intent to kill, assault which inflicts grievous bodily injury, prostitution, peonage, or smuggling or harboring individuals who have entered the United States illegally.

I was charged with a narcotics crime last year but adjudication was withheld. Am I eligible for a farm labor license?

Yes. You must have been convicted in order to be ineligible for a license.

How do I apply for my Farm Labor Contractor’s license?

There are Farm Labor Registration and Testing Sites throughout the state where staff is available to assist you with the application process. The state exam is also administered at these sites. See listing at farm-labor/forms-and-publications/ for locations and contact information. The required forms are also published at this site if you do not need assistance.

Can I renew my license online?

Yes. At http://www.myfloridalicense.com, click on the link to “Renew Your License”. Follow the instructions on how to establish an account and link to a license. You should only use this method if you are able to make your payment online and you have a valid federal license. You can obtain assistance with this online process by calling the Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395.

I need my license right away; can I come to Tallahassee and get it?

Yes. If you have a valid federal license, or have submitted your application to renew your federal license at least thirty days before expiration, we may be able to process your state license right away. You should call before you travel to Tallahassee in order for us to advise you of any concerns and to ensure that you bring the appropriate items.

What is the application fee?

The initial licensure fee is $160.00. This includes an application fee of $125.00 and an examination fee of $35.00. The certified check or money order must be made payable to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR). Personal checks will not be accepted. The renewal license fee is $125.00 and must be submitted with the application. These fees are non‐refundable.

I am required to list a registered agent on my application. Who can be a registered agent?

A registered agent must be a person or business, other than yourself, who is available Monday through Friday during normal business hours. You must inform this person/business that you are naming them as your Registered Agent. They must agree to receive service of process and other official or legal documents sent to you by the department. The address provided for your registered agent must be a physical location (not a post office box).

Do I need to get my fingerprints taken when applying for a license?

You do not need to get fingerprinted or submit a fingerprint card to get your Florida Farm Labor Contractor’s license; however, fingerprints are required to obtain your federal license.

I have a federal license, do I need a state license also?

Yes. If you perform farm labor contracting activities in the State of Florida you will need both a federal and a state license.

When can I start working?

You can perform the duties of a Farm Labor Contractor only after receipt of your license.

When will my license expire?

The normal expiration for a license is the last day of the month of the applicant’s next birthday or incorporation date, if registered as a company. No license is issued for less than 90 days, if there are no other factors affecting expiration. In those cases where expiration would be less than 90 days the expiration date is taken to the following year but must not be over 15 months in duration. Example: a) License is issued January 1, 2013 and applicant’s birth month is February. License will expire February 28, 2014. b) License is issued January 1, 2013 and applicant’s birth month is April. License will expire April 30, 2013. Note: If you have an authorization to work in the U.S. and it expires before what would be the normal expiration of your license, the employment authorization expiration will be your license expiration date.

What is the cost for a duplicate license?

There is no fee associated with obtaining a duplicate license. You need only submit a written request. The request can be faxed to 850.488.0512 or mailed to: Farm Labor, 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783.

Where do I take the state exam?

The state exam is administered at the Farm Labor Registration and Testing Sites. See listing at farm-labor/forms-and-publications/ for locations and contact information.

How long will I get to complete the state exam?

You will receive 90 minutes to complete the state exam.

Can I bring a friend or a family member to the exam site?

No. Only the applicant will be allowed into the testing room.

Can I bring my study guide to the exam?

No. The state exam is a closed book exam; you cannot use any reference or study materials during the examination.

When will I find out my exam results?

After you finish the exam the test administrator will score your exam and give you your test results.

If I fail, can I re‐take the state exam?

Yes; however, you must reschedule with the test administrator. There will be another $35.00 fee for each retest.

Once I pass the state exam will I ever have to take it again?

You will be required to retest if you receive a final order assessing fines for a major violation or if your license was revoked or refused to issue/renew. Also, if the law changes significantly it may require that everyone be retested. There is a $35.00 fee for each retest.

Can I take the test in a language other than English?

Yes. The state exam is also offered in Spanish and Haitian/Creole.

Can the test be read to me?

Yes. If you require an oral English, Spanish, or Haitian/Creole test you should make the test administrator aware of this when you schedule for the exam. This will ensure that the test administrator can administer an oral exam in your preferred language.

How do I check on the status of my license?

Contact the Department’s Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395 or visit us online at http://www.myfloridalicense.com.

I am scheduled to take the state exam next week, however an emergency has arisen. Can I reschedule my exam without penalty?

Yes. You should contact the test administrator as soon as you realize you will not be able to keep your appointment.

What is the difference between a driving authorization (DA) and a transportation authorization (TA)?

A driving authorization is granted to an individual to certify that he/she meets the requirements needed to safely drive a vehicle authorized to transport farm workers. A transportation authorization is granted on a vehicle(s) which meets the requirements needed to safely transport workers.

What is required to obtain a driving authorization?

The farm labor contractor must:

  • Be at least 21 years old;
  • Have a valid driver’s license of the proper class; and
  • Have passed a physical examination given by a medical doctor. Evidence must be in the form of a Doctor’s Certificate (Form WH‐515) or Medical Examiner’s Certificate.
What is the proper class of driver’s license?

In order to drive a vehicle that is designed to carry 15 or fewer passengers, a regular driver’s license is acceptable. In order to drive a vehicle that is designed to carry 16 or more passengers (including the driver) you must have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) with a Passenger (P) endorsement.

What forms must be submitted in order to obtain a transportation authorization?

The following forms are required:

  • An Insurance Cancellation Agreement Form must be signed by the farm labor contractor and forwarded to the state office. This is not required when the insurance company agrees to provide thirty days written notice of cancellation and list DBPR as certificate holder. The Insurance Cancellation Form expires one year from the date signed.
  • Vehicle Inspections (Form WH‐514) must be submitted on each vehicle used for transporting workers. Vehicle inspection must be performed by a mechanic. Annual inspections from other states are acceptable. The Vehicle Inspection expires one year from date of the inspection.
  • A Certificate of Automobile Liability Insurance. Automobile liability insurance limits MUST be: $100,000 per seat (passenger capacity) in the vehicle (Passenger Hazard included), not to exceed $5,000,000; or insurance that includes $50,000 property damage and supplemental Workers’ Compensation Insurance. The insurance document expires at the end of the policy period.
  • If supplementing auto liability insurance with Workers’ Compensation, the appropriate form must be completed as proof of Workers’ Compensation Insurance:o If an employer provides your coverage, your employer must complete Form 3111 and the insurance agent must certify the policy information. The Form 3111 expires at the end of the employment period or policy expiration, whichever occurs first.o If you purchase your own coverage, Form 3100A is required and must be completed by your insurance agent. The Form 3100A expires at the end of the policy period.

Forms are available at farm-labor/forms-and-publications/ or by calling the Customer Contact Center at 850.487.1395.

Where do I obtain the sticker for my vehicle?

The sticker signifies that your vehicle has been authorized by the department to transport workers. A sticker will be sent to you automatically when you add a vehicle to your fleet.

Where should I place my sticker?

Your sticker should have a number written on it. This number is the last six digits of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the vehicle that the sticker needs to be placed on. The sticker should be placed in a clearly visible position inside the rear window.

What if my sticker is lost or stolen?

You may obtain a replacement sticker upon written request, with a brief explanation of why you need a replacement. Request can be faxed to 850.488.0512 or mailed to: DBPR Farm Labor, 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783.

Who do I talk to about a federal license?
  • U.S. Department of Labor
  • Wage and Hour Division
  • Farm Labor Certificate Processing
  • 90 Seventh Street, Suite 13-100
  • San Francisco, CA 94103
  • Phone: 415.241.3505
  • Email: mspaflc@dol.gov

Need Help?

Jerry Wilson, Director
Division of Regulation

Shea Davis, Program Manager
Farm Labor Program

2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783

Telephone: 850.488.3131
Facsimile: 850.921.2124