Building Reporting Database
The Division has entered the condominium and cooperative association information within the Building Reporting Database in the exact manner it was received. If you observe that your association’s reported information needs to be corrected, please complete the building reporting form, which can be found below.
Condominiums and Cooperatives - Building Reporting
718.501(3)(a), F.S./Senate Bill 154 requires all condominium and cooperative associations with buildings 3 stories or higher to report the following information to the Division of Florida Condominium, Timeshares and Mobile Homes on or before January 1, 2023.
- Contact Name, Phone Number, and Email Address
- Name of Project
- Project License # ( To find license # please click here)
- The number of buildings on the condominium property that are three (3) stories or higher in height.
- The total number of units in all such buildings
- The addresses of all such buildings.
- The counties in which all such buildings are located.
You may provide your association’s information to the Division by simply completing and submitting the Building Reporting form below. You may also submit this information via email at: or by USPS mail or hand delivery to:
Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares and Mobile Homes
Attention: Building Reporting
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1030
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Need Help?
All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.
Division of Florida Condominiums,
Timeshares, and Mobile Homes
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0791
Telephone: 850.488.1122
Facsimile: 850.921.5446