This week is Hurricane Preparedness Week.
BBB is encouraging Floridians to act now to prepare their homes and businesses for what is predicted to be a busy 2018 hurricane season. Taking preventative actions now may prevent irreparable damage in the future.
BBB and Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation joined forces to provide a one-stop resource page to help Florida prepare for hurricane season. The Florida Hurricane Guide has tips on disaster preparedness, recovery and repair, as well as information about government resources, storm chaser/home improvement scams, and charity relief efforts.
We are encouraging Floridians to create a plan that outlines what to do before, during and after a hurricane.
In the event of a natural disaster, we would like to remind Floridians that any repair work performed on a home or business should be completed by a licensed professional. Unlicensed contractors often will travel from out of state to a disaster area attempting to take advantage of uninformed consumers. The best way to prepare is to be proactive in selecting a properly licensed contractor and to use good judgment with sales calls, door-to-door pitches or low prices that appear too good to be true.
[Access DBPR’s Hurricane Guide at]
Disaster victims should never feel pressured to make a decision by an unknown contractor. Start with trust and look for the BBB Accredited Business Seal. For reliable information, lists of BBB Accredited Businesses by industry and BBB Business Profiles you can trust on local businesses, visit Always verify a contractor’s license by visiting DBPR Online, calling (850) 487-1395 or by downloading the free DBPR Mobile app.
About BBB
BBB is an unbiased non-profit organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. Businesses that earn BBB accreditation contractually agree and adhere to the organization’s high standards of ethical business behavior. BBB provides objective advice, free BBB Business Profiles and BBB Wise Giving Reports®, and educational information on topics affecting marketplace trust. To further promote trust, BBB also offers complaint and dispute resolution support for consumers and businesses when there is a difference in viewpoints. For more than 100 years, Better Business Bureau has been helping consumers find businesses, brands and charities they can trust. Five BBB offices service the State of Florida, with primary locations in Clearwater, Jacksonville, Longwood, Pensacola and West Palm Beach.
About DBPR
The Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s mission is to license efficiently and regulate fairly. DBPR licenses and regulates more than one million businesses and professionals ranging from hotels and restaurants, real estate agents and accountants to veterinarians, contractors, and cosmetologists. More information about DBPR is available online at DBPR Online. Also, follow @FloridaDBPR on Twitter or Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation on Facebook for updates about license cycles, events, and other important news.