Fire Safety and Handrails & Guardrails Retrofitting
Condominium and cooperative associations are required to report to the division certain information regarding the membership vote to waive retrofitting requirements for fire sprinkler systems and handrails and guardrails. If the association does not waive retrofitting requirements, it must report the per unit cost of retrofitting to the division. Retrofitting information collected by the division is then reported to the State Fire Marshal on an annual basis.
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All requests for publications, documents, forms, applications for licenses, permits and other similar certifications can be obtained by contacting the Customer Contact Center.
Division of Florida Condominiums,
Timeshares, and Mobile Homes
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0791
Telephone: 850.488.1122
Facsimile: 850.921.5446